Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
International portal

Project Implementation of a photovoltaic water pumping programme in Mediterranean countries.

According to the OMS, 50% of the people in the countries in the process of development does not have access to drinking water and approximately 80% of all the diseases in these countries are caused by water.

In the rural sectors of the Mediterranean countries, south in particular, the communities often miss drinking water and of electricity. In this context, collected water and the systems of purification actuated with solar energy produced by the cells (statement) photovoltaic are a good solution for stage with drinking water problems.

The preceding concrete projects and the many research projects of pumping of statement showed that, these systems constitute practical technologies for the supply water in rural medium.

Project number ME8/AIDCO/2001/0132/SMAP-4
Subject(s) no translation available
Geographical coverage Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia
Budget (in €) 2935769
Programme SMAP
Web site

The principal objectives are:

- The extraction of the best practices for programmes of pumping and purification of water starting from photovoltaic cells learned starting from other projects in the same area.

- Development of directives to apply the systems of pumping and purification of the water of statement considering the technical, social aspects and of management.

- The execution of programme of pumping and purification of water starting from statement in the rural communities which are not connected to the grid of national power. - the Follow-up and the evaluation of the program to reinforce the capacities of the rural communities   to control administratively, financially and technically systems of pumping of statement.

-Finally, the Transfer and the diffusion of this type of environmental technologies, know-how and methodologies of management and maintenance.


This project not being yet completely finished, its advantages and its achievements envisaged are:

- Lessons which were learned from the preceding experiments of pumping of statement in similar conditions and were reported in a deliverable project. They accentuate the conditions which must be satisfied to guarantee the reliability and the durability techniques of the systems of pumping of water of statement to be installed.

- Directives applying the systems of pumping and purification of statement in rural communities will be taken into account to record the experiment and know-how.

  - The practical and durable aspect of the systems of purification and the pumping of water by the photovoltaic cells functioning in these areas will be demonstrated in this field.

- 52 systems of pumping of the water of statement will be provided and installed instead of 30 as in the beginning envisaged - the building and the formation of capacity will be provided to consolidate the durability of the systems.

- Good measurements of practice will be diffused with the profit of other communities.

Period [22/12/2001 - 22/12/2005]


  • Polytechnic University of Madrid-Solar Energy Institut
    Coordinator acts as project coordinator
    Country Spain
    Contact Navartes Luis,
    Phone/fax: +34.91.5441060, +34.91.5446341
  • Fondation Energies pour le Monde (FONDEM)
    Country France
    Web site
    Contact Mr. MAIGNE Yves,
    Phone/fax: +33.1 44 18 00 80, +33.1 44 18 00 36
  • Association Tichka
    Country Morocco
    Web site
    Contact Mr AANDAM Mohamed,
    Phone/fax: +212 4 884 398, +212 4 884 398
  • Centre de Développement des Energies Renouvelables (CDER)
    Country Algeria
    Web site
    Contact Mr ARAB Amar Hadj,
    Position: Dr.
    Phone/fax: +213 2 901 503, +213 2 901 654
  • Agence Nationale pour la Maîtrise de l’Energie (ANME)
    Country Algeria
    Web site
    Contact Mr. HAMMAMI Naceur,
    Phone/fax: +216 71 787 700, +216 71 784 624

Funding sources

  • European Commission
    Source EC SMAP
    Programme SMAP
    Funding rate 78