EMWIS Flash n°138 - May/June 2018
Released | 16/07/2018 |
May - June 2018 |
this issue N°138 (http://www.emwis.net/thematicdirs/eflash/flash138)
1- Towards a National Water Information System in Lebanon
2- The involvement of Palestine in the Union for the Mediterranean improves the quality of regional cooperation
3- European Commission proposes new Regulation on using reclaimed water for irrigation
4- 60% of European water bodies highly polluted
5- Water Innovation Europe 2018 has been successfully concluded
6- "Environment and development in the Mediterranean yesderday, today and tomorrow" on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Plan Bleu
7- WWF France and SUEZ sign a partnership encouraging the development of sustainable towns and cities
8- Focus on sustainable use of land and nature based solutions for the Urban Innovation Actions
9- HYDROUSA: A new H2020 Circular Economy project aiming to provide innovative and nature-based solutions for water treatment in Mediterranean Islands
10- SWIM-H2020 SM Regional training on “Technical, Regulatory and Cultural Aspects of Treated Wastewater Reuse”
11- VISCA survey: Identifying Stakeholders Needs for Climate Change Adaptation in the Agro-food Industry
12- SWOS: Earth Observation provides valuable data for updating River Basin Management Plans in Algeria
13- SWOS: Save date final conference and last user workshop to learn how earth observation products and tools
14- Life-ANADRY "Dry anaerobic digestion for sewage sludge" at Meta 2018 “XIII Spanish Congress of Water Treatment”
15- Cyprus turns off taps to farmers as fresh water levels drop
16- Can the Middle East solve its water problem?
17- Results of Montenegrin-Albanian Business Form and Joint Government Session
18- Highlights from International desalination conference in Spain
19- Malta warned of low groundwater levels
20- Jordan: Syrian refugee crisis increased water demand by 22%
21- Palestine: 97% of water in Gaza is polluted
22- Palestine: Forum discusses innovative technologies to achieve water security
23- Increasing water and land productivity in Tunisia and Morocco
24-Tunisia: New Support for Irrigated Agriculture to Conserve Water and Create Opportunities
25- Egypt increases drinking water fees by nearly 50%
1- Lebanon's water sector faces several challenges including risk of water scarcity due to an increasing water demand caused by population growth, urbanization, agricultural activities, increasing water pollution, and the projected impact of climate change. The pressure on water resources is aggravated by almost 1.1 million Syrians taking refuge in Lebanon. In order to improve Integrated Water Resources Management planning and implementation with all stakeholders the Ministry of Energy and Water has initiated an ambitious Information and Training Center for Water. The information component of the Center will provides, once implemented, a unique access to reliable information concerning the water sector for the decision maker level. With the support of Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), EMWIS has conducted a feasibility study for this component representing the Lebanese National Water Information System, one of the 4 pilot systems of the Mediterranean Water Knowledge Platform of the Union for the Mediterranean. The results were presented and discussed with Lebanese water stakeholders on 18 June in Beirut. Based on an analysis of the institutional framework and of data availability and gaps, the study has proposed a governance structure together with a MoU for data sharing, reinforcing monitoring networks, priority developments associated to a road-map over 5 years and budget requirements. Further information on EMWIS website
2- Palestine seeks to play a key role in regional and international institutions involved in policy development in the region and in supporting stability and justice for access and use of resources. This role therefore reflects the stability of the situation in Palestine and in the region. The accession of Palestine as a memeber state to the Union for the Mediterranean strengthens regional cooperation in the water sector in particular. The representative of Palestine in the General Secretariat of the Union Abadi Almotaz, spoke on the occasion of the first Water Forum in Palestine: The representation of Palestine in this Union is translated by the will of the leaders Palestinians to give importance to international cooperation and sensitive regional issues. This is so that the Palestinian situation will redo one of the regional and international issues, so that there is a transfer of experiences. It is also a mean of building a platform for rapid and effective access to development programs in the region and facilitating access to finance for various projects in the Palestinian state. Further information on EMWIS website
3- A Commission proposal for a new Regulation on the use of treated water for irrigation has been adopted on 28 May 2018. The proposal aims to help alleviate water scarcity and promote sustainable irrigation across the EU. This is a particularly pressing issue given water scarcity and droughts resulting from climate change, and the increasing demands on water supply. The proposed minimum quality and monitoring requirements are based on the JRC Science for Policy Report - Minimum quality requirements for water reuse in agricultural irrigation and aquifer recharge. The proposed Regulation also introduces key risk management tasks to identify other risks that should be addressed to ensure the safety of water reuse, and new transparency rules so that consumers can get easy access to water reuse practices in their Member States. Essentially, the proposal will offer farmers an alternative supply of water for irrigation. It is also expected to boost research, innovation and investment in water reuse, thereby creating new employment opportunities. Further information on EMWIS website
4- A majority of Europe’s rivers, lakes and estuaries are highly polluted with chemicals and other pollutants, a pan-European study has found. The study, titled "European waters—assessment of status and pressures 2018", has been prepared by the European Environmental Agency (EEA), a European Union (EU) body. It is the second such EEA report since 2012. It evaluated 130,000 waterways in Europe between 2010 and 2015, using data collected from over 160 river basin management plans. It found that only 40 per cent of lakes, rivers, estuaries and coastal waters studied met ecological standards. Only 38 per cent of the water bodies met chemical pollution standards. Groundwater bodies, such as aquifers, fared much better with 74 per cent being rated as having good chemical pollution status and 89 per cent having good ecological status. The report found that groundwater sites were mostly getting polluted due to nitrates from agricultural run-off, salt intrusion and hazardous chemical pollution from industrial sites, mining areas or waste storage. Mercury was one of the most common pollutants, with common sources including mining, coal combustion and other industrial activities. On the other hand, surface water got polluted due to nutrient enrichment from agricultural activities, poor wastewater treatment and habitat degradation. Further information on EMWIS website
5- The Water Innovation Europe 2018 edition dedicated to “The road towards a water-smart society: Overcoming the water challenges of the future” was concluded on the 14th of June in Brussels, with about 200 participants joining us from the whole water sector. The two special ingredients woven into the fabric of this year’s programme: a strong and visible inclusion of water in Horizon Europe (FP9: EU Research and Innovation programme) including a possible Mission on Water, and provision of a more central place for water in the governance structures at all levels were enthusiastically received by the water community that was present to prove that the sector can become less fragmented and more united on occasions as such. Further information on EMWIS website
6- More than 130 participants have gathered on the occasion of Plan Bleu’s 40 years anniversary international conference, organized in Paris, 5th June 2018, jointly with the Association Serge Antoine. On this occasion, Plan Bleu announced the launching of MED 2050, a new foresight study in the horizon 2050, intended to mobilize Southern and Northern decision-makers and stakeholders by overstepping geographic and institutional boundaries. The works that will be carried out for the next four years will be based on dialogues, partnerships and shared visions on transition ways and investments to implement for a Mediterranean Basin desirable future. Participants interested by this project are invited to register online now to take part in future exchanges. Further information on EMWIS website
7- In a context of climate change with a strong impact on cities and their populations, the partnership between Suez and WWF aims to limit regions’ environmental footprint and to put forward new urban development models as part of a circular economy approach. This partnership will last three years and have two stages. The first one will develop a shared vision of resource management in cities, by bringing SUEZ projects in line with the 10 sustainability principles to reinvent cities defined by WWF France, and then to identify areas for improvement. An experimentation phase will then test this vision with pilot projects including the assessment and the optimisation of waste recycling, energy efficiency and production. WWF France will support the project teams and facilitate the involvement of stakeholders and residents, in order to change behaviour and guarantee the viability of the service in the long term. Further information on EMWIS website
8- The 4th call of Urban Innovation Action (UIA Call 4) will be dedicated to four topics: Digital transition; Sustainable use of land, nature based solutions; Urban poverty; and Urban Security. UIA is an Initiative of the European Union promoting pilot projects in the field of sustainable urban development.It is financed by the European Regional Development Fund. A preliminary definition of the four topics selected for call 4 is already available on the website of UIA, but the final definition will be published with the Terms of Reference of Call 4, to be launched in October 2019. As for the previous Calls for Proposals, the Permanent Secretariat will undertake information and support activities for beneficiaries. Further information on EMWIS website
9- A new H2020-funded
project HYDROUSA (Demonstration of water loops with innovative
regenerative business models for the Mediterranean region) has officially
started on 1st July 2018 for a period of 54 months with a total budget
of 12 M euros. The project kick-off meeting was held in Athens from 12 to 13
July. HYDROUSA is one of the 3 projects selected by the European Commission in
the framework of the call on water in Circular Economy, strong linkages will
be established with the 2 other projects: Next Gen and Project ô. HYDROUSA
aims at closing all water loops at local level through enhancing decentralized
on-site water treatment and reuse while promoting local economies and
improving nutrient management, boosting the agricultural and energy profiles.
These services will lead to a win-win-win situation for the economy,
environment and community within the water-energy-food employment nexus.
HYDROUSA will implement six innovative regenerative and nature-based systems
for water treatment demonstrated in 3 Greek islands (Lesvos, Mykonos and
Tinos). These solutions will produce water suitable for agricultural
irrigation and for domestic use and in some cases even for drinking water.
SEMIDE will be leading the exploitation activities of HYDROUSA solutions and
it will implement the project together with 26 other partner organisations in
the Euro-Mediterranean region. In addition, feasibility studies of HYDROUSA
solutions implementation will be carried out in 25 replication sites in EU,
MENA countries and world-wide.
Click here for further
10- The general objective of the regional training workshop that will
organized in 23- 24 of July in Athens, is to enhance the knowledge of
the key stakeholders who are involved in technical, institutional, regulatory
and managerial aspects of treated wastewater reuse in the Mediterranean
partner countries with the aim to promote the development of safe, well
managed and socio-economically viable wastewater reuse in Mediterranean
countries. The specific objective of the training is to introduce the
participants to the state-of the art knowledge and the new developments in
wastewater reuse guidelines, their limits and conditions of their application
and the implications of such guidelines on the regulatory and institutional
aspects. The workshop will also be an opportunity to promote south-to south
and north to south countries’ dialogue and trigger an exchange of experiences
between participants through a mix of case studies from the Mediterranean
partner countries, practical examples from European countries, and break-out
sessions, in addition to cross fertilisation with the SWIM DEMO projects on
treated wastewater reuse. The workshop is designed and developed in close
coordination within the SWIM-HORIZON 2020 SM Consortium notably with ACWUA,
LDK, Milieu Ltd and EMWIS. Further information on
SWIM-SM website
11- VISCA ‘Vineyards´ Integrated Smart Climate Application’ is an R&I project co-funded under the Horizon 2020 programme with a total budget of 3.20 M. The project started in May 2017 for a period of 3 years. During its 1st Stakeholders Workshop, a questionnaire was prepared in order to establish an overview of the current adaptation strategies adopted by the different agricultural sectors against climate change as well as to gather the users’ requirements and expectations from VISCA tool. The questionnaire was answered by 11 different organisations representing agricultural and climate services communities from the private organisations as well as research centres and professional public institutions. The geographical area of influence of the participating organisations was mostly in Europe, but it also included other regions such as South America, North America, Africa, the Mediterranean basin and Vietnam which gave a global perspective. Further information on visca website
12- The Algerian Ministry of Water Resources (MRE) and the River Basin Authorities (ABH) are currently updating the National water Master Plan (PNE –Plan National de l’Eau) and the River Basin Management Plans (PDARE). These plans encompass issues related to available water resources, estimation of water requirements, and identification of water infrastructure needs. The last version was dated of 2014 covering a period of 20 years for long term planning with an assessment and update every 5 years. In the framework of the EU twinning project on Governance and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in Algeria, an exercise is conducted to introduce some concepts of the EU Water Framework Directive into the revision of the River Basin Management Plan. The collection of in situ monitoring data and survey among local stakeholders is time consuming and often difficult due to the lack of systematic digital recording of information. Satellite data provides valuable alternatives. Thus information products developed by SWOS (Satellite Wetland Observation Services) have been presented to treat topics that have not been taken into account previously mainly due to the lack of information, such as inventory of wetlands, analysis of pressures introduced by land use on surface and ground water, alteration of hydro-morphology. Further information on SWOS website
13- The Satellite-based Wetland Observation Service (SWOS) project will hold a user workshop and its final conference in Brussels from 6 to 8 November 2018. The two first days will be dedicated to users of the SWOS portal in which participants can familiarise themselves with the various aspects of SWOS in an interactive and dynamic 'World Cafe' format. While the last day will focus on the current threats and trends affecting wetlands and the role of SWOS in filling the information gap on wetlands as well as fact-based evidence for appropriate policy responses. The conference will draw speakers from the worlds of science, policy and wetland management. It is opened to all, but registration is necessary. Details will be soon available on the SWOS website, to be sure not to miss it, register to SWOS newsletter. SWOS is a H2020 project that started in June 2015. It uses Earth Observation data (including data from ESA's Sentinel satellites) to generate mapping products and indicators of wetlands. Timely observations will allow for dynamic monitoring of wetland conditions and changes (and their drivers) on a large spatial and temporal scale. The outcomes generated have been demonstrated for a range of selected wetlands in Europe, Africa and Asia and the methodology and tools developed are applicable globally. SWOS Project website
14- Life-ANADRY (Dry anaerobic digestion as an alternative management & treatment solution for sewage sludge) is a European project co-funded by the European Commission under the LIFE program (LIFE Environment and Resource Efficiency project application) for 3.5 years.The project has started on September 1st 2015 with a total budget of 1.5M euros. On 5th June 2018, members from the projects of Life-Anadry, LIFE Ammonia Trapping and LIFE IN-BRIEF had a networking activity in Alguazas, Murcia. During this activity, the participants had a chance to exchange & present the progress of the projects, results & good practices. Life-ANADRY consortium is performing networking activities with other LIFE and/or non-LIFE projects in order to exchange experiences, best practices and establish synergies. To read the full list of these projects . Further information on life-anadry website
15- Cyprus and other countries in the eastern Mediterranean are increasingly vulnerable to drought as the changing climate brings higher temperatures and less precipitation, according to Petteri Taalas, the general secretary of the World Meteorological Organization. Reservoirs behind dams are at just 21.9 percent of capacity across Cyprus. The government here imposed restrictions on using water for irrigation in June 2018. The move was unpopular with farmers, but officials say it is the only way to prevent the reservoirs from running dry before the end of the year. Taps continue to flow in urban areas because of a supply of more costly potable water that has been transformed from seawater by four desalination facilities. Further information on EMWIS website
16- The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is the world's most water-scarce region, with 17 countries below the water poverty line set by the United Nations. Much like money spent from an overdrawn bank account, water in the region is being withdrawn faster than it can be replenished, meaning MENA countries are essentially "living beyond their means."This is the finding of a recent World Bank report, which outlines how the region can move beyond water scarcity to greater water security. Home to six percent of the world's population, yet just one percent of the world's freshwater resources, the report found that the MENA region needs to take critical action to narrow the gap between water supply and demand. The pressures of population and economic growth and climate change are expected to further exacerbate water stress in MENA. The World Bank report suggests this will increase competition for water resources that are shared across borders, and, in turn, heighten political tensions. If things continue "business as usual," 60% of the MENA region will face high to extremely high water stress by 2040, according to World Bank estimates. By 2050, the World Bank says climate-related water scarcity will cost the region 6 to 14% of its GDP. Further information on EMWIS website
17- The governments of Montenegro and Albania held a Joint session on June 3rd in Shkoder, Albania. This first session organized by Montenegro with another country confirms the friendly relations with Albania and the strong ties of the Montenegrin people and the opportunity to open a dialogue between the two countries on numerous issues of mutual interest. Regarding the water resource management, the Minister of agriculture and rural development of Montenegro, Milutin Simovic and the Deputy Prime Minister of the republic of Albania Senida Mesi signed an agreement on joint management of cross-border water resources. "By signing this framework agreement, the water management Commission will continue with further work and enhanced activities for the sustainable management of the Skadar lake, Drim, Bojana and Moraca, which are the targeted areas of the agreement. The activities foreseen are aiming at preserving water quality, flood protection, water regulation and maintenance, more intensive exchange of information and finding funds for financing these activities" concluded Simovic. Further information on EMWIS website
18- More than 180 delegates from 29 countries gathered at the 2018 International Desalination Association (IDA) International Water Reuse and Recycling Conference in Valencia, Spain, to discuss water reuse regulation frameworks, financing trends and technology advancements. The first day of the technical program began with two panel discussions and a plenary session. Moderated by Carlos Cosín, IDA officer and CEO of Almar Water Solutions, the first panel “The Big Debate: Water Reuse Regulations in Europe, USA and Asia” examined regulations that cover the various uses, requirements and advantages in using water reuse technology to meet growing water needs for agriculture, industry and urban uses, as well as aquifer recharge, to offset water needs. In the second panel, “Pricing Water Security and Enhancing Practical Financing Tools for Reclaimed Wastewater Reuse,” speakers discussed specific approaches to pricing water security through the diversification of water supplies and the tools they use to finance and develop water-reuse infrastructure projects to meet irrigation and urban needs, and other water requirements. Moderators were Dr. Gonzalo Delacámara, senior research fellow and coordinator of water economics at IMDEA Water Research Foundation, and Dr. Eduardo Orteu, head of support unit and responsible for the International Affairs Service at the Spanish Water Directorate. Further information on EMWIS website
19- Malta continues to have “significant problems” with its groundwater levels, according to the EU’s environmental watchdog. The European Environment Agency’s European Waters report for 2018 says that Malta is among the three southern member states, the others being Cyprus and Spain, where the groundwater levels are drying up fast. The main pressures on the subterranean reservoirs, the agency said, was water extraction – the pumping out of water for public supply, agriculture and industry. Further information on EMWIS website
20- Amman, June 13 (Petra) - Syrian refugees crisis increased water demand by 22% in Jordan, and even by 44% in the northern Jordanian governorates, a study revealed. The study, conducted by the University of Jordan in cooperation with the Ministry of Water and Irrigation, and funded by the German Agency for international Cooperation (GIZ), showed that water per capita in Jordan is 88 per cent below the international water poverty line of 1000 m3 of renewable water by inhabitant by year. The study entitled "water situation in Jordan" indicated that water evaporation rate in the Badia reaches 99% while it stands at 63% in the mountainous areas. The percentage is very high and will exacerbate the water shortage problem in the Kingdom, it explained. The climate of Jordan is classified as dry to semi-dry and the rainy season cannot be predicted due to irregularity each year. The fluctuation in precipitation and decrease in the rate of groundwater recharge or surface flows is one of the main factors affecting the water situation in the Kingdom. The study highlighted challenges that Jordan face such as the scarcity of water resources, water deficit, the climate, high costs of projects, the sewerage system, costs of transferring water to rural areas, and waves of migrants to the kingdom. Further information on EMWIS website
21- Water experts have agreed that the Gaza Strip will soon have no safe drinking water given that 97 per cent of water is polluted, which has caused concerns over the spread of dangerous diseases. This came during a survey conducted by the Palestinian News Agency Wafa on the eve of World Water Day, which falls on 22 March each year. Al Mezan Centre for Human Rights has reported that pollution in the Gaza Strip has increased because sea water pollution rates have hit 73 per cent. The number of diarrhoea cases among children under the age of three (80 per cent) is indicative that fresh water has become contaminated and unsafe for drinking. Deputy Head of the Palestinian Water Authority, Rebhi Al-Sheikh, explained that water pollution in the Gaza Strip is mainly due to the increasing level of salt and nitrate that has a negative effect on health, especially on children and pregnant women because it can result in kidney and urinary tract diseases. Further information on EMWIS website
22- An international forum to discuss the adoption of integrated water resources management progressive tools as an approach to address the water crisis in Palestine kick-started on Monday 25 June in Ramallah. The three-day First Palestine International Water Forum organized by the Palestinian Water Authority (PWA) was held under the slogan Integrated Water Resources Management: Best Practices and Technology Transfer. The press release said that the conference “provided a unique opportunity to learn about the new progressive tools, the technologies that have emerged, and the best practices developed in support of implementation of integrated water resources management (IWRM) as a main approach to achieving water security.” The first-of-its-kind event brought together an impressive array of participants to exchange ideas to devise joint solutions and present papers covering diverse water-related themes. Opening the preliminary session on behalf of Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah, Khayrya Rasas, an advisor to the premier, noted the government’s efforts to address pollution and the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the besieged Gaza Strip. Further information on EMWIS website
23- Nearly 80 percent of seasonal crop areas in the Near East and North Africa Region are rainfed, a system whose water source is highly variable, insufficient to satisfy the crop water demand, and often exposed to drought. These conditions make farming in rainfed areas highly risky and unpredictable, with negative implications for farmers’ livelihood and national food security as well. Depending on the expected rainfall regime, there are two major farming practices that can be adopted to reduce the production uncertainty: Supplemental Irrigation (SI) and Conservation Agriculture (CA). For Supplemental Irrigation (SI), the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) and national partners in Morocco and Tunisia have scaled-up a supplemental irrigation package, originally developed under the Water Benchmark Project. The package combined supplemental irrigation with appropriate agronomic management practices, such as sowing times and fertilizer recommendations. The project improved water resource management and land productivity at the farm level and subsequently increased farmers’ incomes. The project also highlighted that the SI package is most beneficial when rainfall is above 350-400 mm per year. Further information on EMWIS website
24- The World Bank announced on May 29 2018 a US$140 million project to support the Tunisian government’s focus on irrigated agriculture as a means of managing scarce water resources while creating economic opportunities, especially in underdeveloped rural regions. The new project will finance the repair of irrigation systems to make them more efficient and reliable, as the critical input for a more productive agriculture sector that generates greater revenues and provides opportunities for a diverse range of people and enterprises, including women and young people. The Irrigated Agriculture Intensification Project will physically rehabilitate existing irrigation schemes in agricultural areas in the governorates of Béja, Bizerte, Jendouba, Nabeul, Sfax and Siliana. Along with reducing water loss, which can amount up to 40% of water used, the repairs will results more consistent water delivery. A more secure water source will boost the confidence of farmers to expand, and invest in higher value crops. The project will also provide assistance for identifying higher value crops and increasing yields, and linking farmers to markets. Further information on EMWIS website
25- Egyptian Prime Minister Sherif
Ismail approved measures to increase fees for drinking water by up to 46.5%.
This marks the second rise in drinking water fees for Egypt in less than a
year, with a previous increase in drinking water and sewage prices by up to
50% in Aug. 2017. The recently announced decision to raise fees also
includes a 12% increase in sewage fees, as reported by Reuters. The government
argues that spending cuts will help revive the economy, where subsidies have
accounted for approximately a quarter of state spending. According to a
recent report on water scarce countries by BBC, Cairo, Egypt, is at risk as
the World Health Organization ranks Egypt high among lower middle-income
countries with water pollution related deaths and the United Nations predicts
critical drinking water shortages for the country by 2025. Further information
26- Manuel Menéndez is the new General Director of Water at the Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition led by Teresa Ribera : he was appointed by the ministerial council of Friday, June 22. Menéndez has a long experience in water sector. He has been working at CEDEX for more than 15 years as technical scientific coordinator. Further information on EMWIS website
27- Teresa Ribera appointed Minister for the Ecological Transition in the new Spanish Government: Teresa Ribera has been Director of IDDRI since 2014, and has enabled the Institute to play a key role in the negotiation of the Paris Climate Agreement. She served as the Spanish Secretary of State for Climate Change from 2008 to 2011, responsible for environmental and climate policies as well as the National Meteorological Agency. As public official from the Senior Corps of State Civil Administrators, she has also taught at the Autonomous University of Madrid. Further information on EMWIS website
28- Pascal BERTEAUD is
the new President of the International Office for Water (IOWater): He succeeds
to Pierre ROUSSEL who served as chair since 2009. Pascal BERTEAUD is Chief
Executive Officer of CEREMA since May 2, 2018. He has previously held numerous
management positions in public institutions and state services, as well as in
the Cabinet of the Ministry in charge of the environment. From
1997 to 2002, he was Director of Public Service at BRGM, then Director of
Water at the Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development from 2002 to
2008. P. Berteaud was also Chairman of EMWIS Steering Committee of from 2005
to 2008. Further
information on EMWIS
29- Coralie Noel appointed National Coordinator for Ecological Transition
Contracts at the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition in France.
Coralie Noel will be in charge of deploying demonstration action territories
for the ecological transition with Sébastien Lecornu, Secretary of State to
the Minister for Ecological and Solidarity Transition. Further information on EMWIS
30- Water Nature for Life: The purpose of this publication is to highlight the importance of safeguarding nature in order to secure water-related services, and to achieve the Global Goals. This document serves as a call to action, to governments, to land use planners, to corporations, and to citizens everywhere to take urgent action to secure nature for life. Further information on EMWIS website
31- Drought characteristics and management in North Africa and the Near East, a report published by FAO. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has called for a fundamental shift in the way drought is perceived and managed in the Near East and North Africa region. The agency said in a new report issued on 15 June that a more pro-active approach based on the principles of risk reduction is needed to build greater resilience to droughts. Further information on EMWIS website
32- In April 2018 the General Council for the environment and sustainble development in France has published a report on "Stormwater Management: Ten years to meet the challenge. Volume 1: Summary of the diagnosis and proposals. Volume 2: Detailed diagnosis". Further information on EMWIS website
33- The European Commission is organizing an information and networking days on the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018-2020 Challenge "Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency & Raw Materials" - 2019 calls. It will take place on 11 and 12 September 2018 in Brussels in the European Commission's Charlemagne building. The event targets potential applicants to the 2019 calls for project proposals under the Horizon 2020 Challenge 5 "Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials". Further information on EMWIS website
34- The ”8th International Symposium on Wetlands and Pollutant Dynamics and Control - WETPOL2019” will be held at Aarhus University, Denmark, on 17-21 June, 2019. WETPOL is a global conference on the use of wetlands for water quality improvement and the potential roles of wetlands in a future more sustainable circular economy and resource-oriented setting. WETPOL2019 will provide the participants with an excellent opportunity to look into the up-to-date developments in the field, to exchange knowledge and advance the overall understanding of these complex ecosystems. Submission of session proposals is now open. Deadline for submission of session proposals is 1 September. Further information on EMWIS website
35- 2nd Edition of SAWIS Thematic School: The SAWIS association is organizing the second edition of the thematic school under the theme "Geospatial Technologies for Water Resources in the Mediterranean" GT Water-Med, in partnership with the IPSS laboratory (Intelligent Processing Systems & Security) and the GEE Laboratory (Water Geosciences and Environment), from the Faculty of Sciences of Rabat. Dedline for paper submession: 30 July 2018. Further information on EMWIS website
[2018/09/24 - 2018/09/27] Training course on “Groundwater Model Calibration using PEST” organized by the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH). Further information on EMWIS website.
[2018/09/03 - 2018/09/14] 1st International LIFE REWAT Summer School - Digital water management and water-related agroecosystem services: geostatistics, hydroinformatics and groundwater flow numerical modelling.The Summer School Digital water management and water-related agroecosystem services: geostatistics, hydroinformatics and groundwater flow numerical modelling is organized within the framework of the EU LIFE REWAT project (sustainable WATer management in the lower Cornia valley through demand REduction, aquifer REcharge and river REstoration; www.liferewat.eu). Further information on EMWIS website
[2018/10/29 - 2018/10/30] Amwaj 2018 Barcelona, Spain. Further information on EMWIS website
[2018/10/23 - 2018/10/25] 2nd Thematic School: Geospatial Technologies at the
service of water resources in the Mediterranean. Further information on
EMWIS website
[2018/10/24 - 2018/10/27] WATEC ITALY 2018 – Water technologies and more. Further information on EMWIS website
[2018/10/16 - 2018/10/18] International ConferenceWater Science for Impact. Further information on EMWIS website
[2018/10/04 - 2018/10/07] IX International Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2018, Jahorina, 4-7 October 2018, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Further information on EMWIS website
[2018/10/04 - 2018/10/05] 3rd International Conference "Smart Data, Smart Cities" which will be held in Delft , The Netherlands, October 4-5, 2018. Further information on EMWIS website
[2018/10/02 - 2018/10/03] The 3rd International Conference on Water and Climate. Further information on EMWIS website
[2018/09/30 - 2018/10/03] Fifth International Symposium on Green Chemistry, Sustainable Development and Circular Economy,Skiathos island, Greece, from September 30 to October 03, 2018. Further information on EMWIS website
[2018/09/18 - 2018/09/20] Call for CIHEAM Alumni Success Stories | 2nd Mediterranean Forum for PhD Students and Young Researchers | Research and Innovation as Tools for Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Security - September 18th-20th 2018 - CIHEAM Bari
Further information on EMWIS website
[2018/09/06 - 2018/09/06] Hydreos: Journée eaux de loisirs. Further information on EMWIS website
[2018/08/26 - 2018/08/29] Stockholm World Water Week 2018 "Water, ecosystems and human development" 26-30 August 2018. Further information on EMWIS website
[2018/08/26 - 2018/08/29] 5th International Conference on Small and Decentralized Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants (SWAT5). Further information on EMWIS website
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