EMWIS Flash n°155- March- April 2021
Released | 10/05/2021 |
March - April 2021 |
this issue N°155 (http://www.emwis.net/thematicdirs/eflash/flash155)
1- EMWIS: Virtual study tour on water scarcity management February - April 2021
3- FAO webinar: Joining efforts to turn satellite water data into actionable information for farmers
4- Reconciling agricultural practices and environmental obligations
5- Union for the Mediterranean Water Expert Group (WEG) 11th Meeting
6- Commission launches public consultation to update rules on urban wastewater
7- Online consultation on future of research and innovation cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean region
8- Maghreb Political Dialogue on the Potential of Unconventional Waters for Sustainable Agricultural Development in the Arab Maghreb Countries
9- AVITEM Webinar: Water in the Mediterranean, urban resilience and innovative solutions
10- More than 1000 organizations involved in the development of the 9th World Water Forum content
11- EU Gulf Countries cooperation on water and energy
12- Horizon Europe : Morocco begins Association process
13- SAFERS: Supporting societies to better fight forest fires
14- HYDROUSA: An important R&I contribution in shaping the new EU Climate Adaptation Strategy in a recent EU factsheet
15- SUPROMED: Sustainable production in water limited environments of mediterranean agro-ecosystem
16- Sustain-COAST: Living Labs towards sustainable groundwater management -case study in Malia, Crete, Greece
17- The organic ecosystem project launches an online technical support service
18- EdiCitNet toolbox an inspirational tool towards sustainability challenges
19- Spain: Murcia region 1st area of Spain in terms of water recycling
20- Morocco’s dam storage hits half capacity
21- Tunisia Green Talk: role of public and private sectors in sustainable and inclusive water resources management
22- Montenegro: AFD supports sustainable and inclusive development projects
23- Egypt: PPPs for desalination and wastewater treatment plants
24- Palestine: 36 million euros from the EU, France, and the World Bank to build the Hebron Regional Waste Water Treatment Plant
1- Within the framework of the CREM project "Regional cooperation for a sustainable management of water resources in the Maghreb", the GIZ, the Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS) and EMWIS Technical Unit organized a virtual study tour on the theme of water resources scarcity management to strengthen regional cooperation between the three countries concerned by the project: Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. The main purpose was to allow participants from the three partner countries to discuss the practices and experience of two EU Mediterranean countries advanced in the management of water resources scarcity, namely Spain and France, from a knowledge point of view as well as from a practical and research experience. 7 webinars were held from February to April on different topics such as: National strategies for water scarcity management- Combining conventional and non-conventional resources to meet people's demands- Integrated management of sanitation and reuse- water infrastructure management- smart irrigation and water efficient agricultural practices- waste water reuse in agriculture- performance of irrigation equipment and conservation agriculture. In the framework of the study visit videos were prepared to illustrate some experiences and good practices, the videos are available here. Further information on EMWIS website
BRIEF (Full news)
2-The European Commission has adopted on April 21 an
ambitious and comprehensive package of measures to help improve the
flow of money towards sustainable activities across the European Union.
By enabling investors to re-orient investments towards more sustainable
technologies and businesses, the measures will be instrumental in
making Europe climate neutral by 2050. They will make the EU a global
leader in setting standards for sustainable finance. The package is
comprised 3 main components. The 1st one is the EU Taxonomy Climate
Delegated Act aims to support sustainable investment by making it
clearer which economic activities most contribute to meeting the EU’s
environmental objectives. The College of Commissioners reached a
political agreement on the text. The Delegated Act will be formally
adopted at the end of May once translations are available in all EU
languages. Communication, also adopted by the College sets out the
Commission’s approach in more detail. The 2nd proposal for a Corporate
Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). This proposal aims to
improve the flow of sustainability information in the corporate world.
It will make sustainability reporting by companies more consistent, so
that financial firms, investors, and the broader public can use
comparable and reliable sustainability information. Finally, six
amending Delegated Acts on fiduciary duties, investment, and insurance
advice will ensure that financial firms, e.g. advisers, asset managers,
or insurers, include sustainability in their procedures and their
investment advice to clients. The European Green Deal is Europe’s
growth strategy that aims to improve the well-being and health of
citizens, make Europe climate-neutral by 2050 and protect, conserve and
enhance the EU’s natural capital and biodiversity. Further information
3- The Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO) is hosting the webinar “Joining efforts to turn
satellite water data into actionable information for farmers”.
Achieving food security in the future while using water resources in a
sustainable manner is a major challenge for us and the next
generations. Agriculture is a key water user. A careful monitoring of
water productivity in agriculture and exploring opportunities to
increase it are required. The FAO portal to monitor Water Productivity
through Open access of Remotely sensed derived data (WaPOR) monitors
and reports on agriculture water productivity over Africa and the Near
East. It provides open access to the water productivity database and
its thousands of underlying map layers, it allows for direct data
queries, time series analyses, area statistics and data download of key
variables associated to water and land productivity assessments.
The webinar will reflect on the results of the first phase and present
the objectives and focuses proposed for the 2nd phase of the WaPOR
project. The
webinar was planned initially for April 22 but it has to be postponed
new date will be defined soon. Further information on
EMWIS website
4- The EC has published a new guidance under the COM 2018 Action Plan on Environmental Compliance Assurance, namely the Vade Mecum on environmental compliance assurance in rural areas. The purpose of the Vade Mecum is to set out good practises on how national authorities should interact with farmers and land managers in order to ensure compliance with EU environment legislation, particularly on water and nature. It explains approaches to preventing, detecting and responding to compliance failures, and shows how agricultural practices can be reconciled with environmental obligations. This Vade Mecum can highly contribute to delivering European Green Deal objectives, particularly the Biodiversity strategy, as it focuses on the mechanisms for overseeing delivery on the ground in Member States. The Vade Mecum supports the role of public authorities in ensuring that farmers and other rural land-managers comply with their environmental obligations. This role involves public authorities taking combinations of three different kinds of action. Further information on EMWIS website
5- Aiming to
follow up on the conclusions of the 10th WEG Meeting (Brussels, 13-14
June 2019), the 11th WEG meeting was held on 28 April 2021, with a
reduced composition, involving only the Member States and had the
two-fold objective to: Take stock of the Progress made so far on the
implementation of the UfM Water Policy Framework of Actions and its
Financial Strategy for Water as well as promote the alignment of the
UfM Water Agenda with the New Agenda for the Mediterranean and the
European Green Deal, including the recovery trajectory. Among others,
the meeting aimed to contribute to the Mediterranean regional
preparatory process towards the 9th World Water Forum (Dakar, Senegal,
March 2022) that concerns also the organisation of the 4th
Mediterranean Water Forum (Malta, 1st week of December 2021). Further
information on
EMWIS website
6- The Commission has
launched an online public consultation to seek views on the update of
the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD). Untreated wastewater
can put human health and the environment at risk and pollute lakes,
rivers, soil and coastal and groundwater. Under the Urban Waste Water
Treatment Directive, EU countries are required to ensure that urban
wastewater is collected and treated appropriately. This revision aims
to address the shortcomings identified in the recent 2019 evaluation report;
to contribute to the aims of the European Green Deal Search for
available translations of the preceding, including the ambitions set
out in the Circular Economy Action Plan; and to the upcoming Zero
Pollution Action Plan. In this public consultation, stakeholders and
civil society are invited to share their views on the various policy
measures developed by the Commission over the past year, based on
feedback and cooperation with Member States and stakeholders.
Sanitation synthesis by countries and details on individual wastewater
treatment plans can be consulted at https://uwwtd.eu
Further information on EMWIS
7- The UfM Regional
Platform in Research and Innovation (R&I) invited the opinion,
ideas and input of relevant individuals and organisations from across
the region to help outline the future of R&I cooperation between
the EU and the Mediterranean. An online consultation call has been put
out for higher education and research institutions, civil society,
private sector entities and governmental organisations at national,
regional and local level, the consultation was opened from 17 March to
7 May. The survey will help UfM Member States to identify the right
topics to focus on in each priority area, how to achieve Sustainable
Development Goals, and what barriers to effective cooperation might be
encountered. The UfM has defined three priority areas for research and
innovation cooperation: health, renewable energy, and climate change.
Consultation answers will be taken into account and further refined by
the UfM Expert Group into three Roadmaps, corresponding to the three
priority areas of health, renewable energy and climate change. These
Road-maps will set out interventions for increasing collaboration
capacity in the coming years, and will be discussed at the UfM R&I
Platform in June. Further information on EMWIS
8- The Arab Maghreb
Union (UMA), in collaboration with the FAO office for North Africa,
organized a high-level Maghreb political dialogue on 22 March in Tunis
which presented the visions, strategic orientations and approaches
adopted for the use of the potential of so-called unconventional water
resources. Mr. Tariq Addassalam, Minister of Water Resources of Libya,
presented the water situation in Libya and mentioned some challenges
related to water and climate change which are similar to those of the
other Maghreb countries. Senior officials from other countries
presented the position of their respective ministers. Mr
Taïeb Baccouche, Secretary General of the UMA, welcomed the work of
this dialogue, which made it possible to highlight common challenges
linked to water scarcity and the potential of unconventional water in
the Maghreb countries as well as offering the opportunity to "learn
more about the successful experiences and the review of the strategic
orientations presented to assess the potential of unconventional water
for agriculture.” He expressed confidence in the prospect of
strengthening cooperation between countries for "the identification of
orientations and strategic plans for unconventional waters." In his
speech, Mr. Philippe Ankers, FAO Coordinator for North Africa, recalled
“the considerable attention FAO gives to water scarcity which has taken
a wide range of initiatives and activities to strengthen the capacity
to adopt mechanisms to address water scarcity. Among them, the Regional
Initiative on Water Scarcity, launched in 2013." The Maghreb Dialogue
today was a result of the project "Unblocking the Potential of Treated
Wastewater and Drainage Water for Agricultural Development in the Arab
Maghreb Countries". Further information on EMWIS
9- On 8 April, AVITEM
organised its first webinar in a series of three, designed to address
the scarcity of emblematic Mediterranean resources, but also the
solutions, both traditional and innovative, that apply to the research,
conservation and optimised management of these resources. This first webinar is
part of a global "NEXUS" Water-Energy-Waste approach. The aim is to give
the floor to experts, practitioners, innovators from the south and
north of the Mediterranean who are willing to exchange their
understanding, practices and perspectives on water management and
consumption for the first event, and who are ready to reflect together
on the path towards self-sufficiency. During this first webinar, Ms
Stéphanie Laronde, Director of Institutional and Technical Support and
Cooperation - International Office for Water, gave an overview of the
situation as well as institutional twining projects, climate change
adaptation projects incubators, circular cities approach (presentation
can found here).
Further information on EMWIS
10- Almost 750
organizations participated in the Consultation Process of the 9th World
Water Forum, which took place from 15 January to 26 March 2021.
The consultation process was created to ensure a multi-stakeholder
approach to mobilize action on water through an integrated approach
based on multi-stakeholder exchanges and to meet the Forum's goal of
inclusiveness. During the consultation period, members of each
Consultation Group submitted their contributions to the content
development, by answering an online questionnaire through the World
Water Forum Collaborative Platform. In particular, Consultation Groups
were invited to provide their feedback on the actions plans developed
by the action Groups in the past months. Additionally, they could also
request to contribute to a project or propose to include a new project.
During next weeks, Action Groups will process the nearly 200 proposals
received during the consultative phase and select the most in line with
their objectives. At the moment, the number of organizations involved
in the content development of the 9th World Water Forum is more than
1000. Further information on EMWIS
11- The EU-Gulf
Countries Clean Energy Technology Network (EU GCC CETN) and the
Environmental Center for Arab Towns (ECAT) organized on 5 April a
virtual conference on "Innovative cities in the context of climate
change: Risk management in water and energy supply. The conference
covered 3 main topics: 1-Building climate resilience in cities: Cities
led actions 2- How can clean energies influence resilience in cities?3-
Resilience and sustainable water supply in cities. During this last
session, Eric Mino presented EMWIS contributions based on experiences
from the COST Action Circular Cities, EdiCiNet and HYDROUSA H2020
projects. Further information on EMWIS
12- As part of
strengthening Morocco and the European Union cooperation and
taking into account the "Joint Declaration of the European Union and
Morocco" of June 2019, reporting on the establishment of a "Shared
Knowledge Space", Morocco has begun its process of association with the
European Programme "Horizon Europe", with a global budget of 95.5
billion euros, under the new European programming 2021-2027. The status
of "Associated Country" of the Programme will not only improve the
attractiveness and visibility of Moroccan research structures vis-à-vis
their European counterparts, but will also encourage and facilitate
their rapprochement with EU Member States, companies, NGOs and social
partners with a view to exploiting research and technology transfer. In
addition, Moroccan researchers will be able to access the calls for
projects of the Horizon Europe programme, open to researchers from EU
Member States and other countries associated to the Framework
Programme, as partners or coordinators of submitted projects. Further
information on EMWIS
13- The first
newsletter of SAFERS Project and the first animated video are available
on the project website. SAFERS project aims to support societies
becoming more resilient across the key phases of the forests fires
emergency management cycle. Officially started in October 2020 for a
period of 3 years, SAFERS is going to create an open and integrated
platform featuring a forest fire Decision Support System, including
monitoring of forest ecosystems recovery after a fire event. To know
more about the project you can watch the animated video available in 6
languages (subtitles): French, Finnish, German, Greek, Italian and
Spanish on SAFERS
YouTube Channel and read the Newsletter
which recaps the developments of SAFERS activities since its
beginning. Further information about the project on SAFERS Website
14- The new EU
Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change “Forging a climate-resilient
Europe” sets the scene for more ambitious action on climate adaptation.
The objective of the strategy is to progress swiftly toward the 2050
resilience vision by making adaptation action smarter, more systemic,
and faster. It is a cornerstone of the European Green Deal and
complements the proposed Climate Law and the Climate Pact, but also
other initiatives. HYDROUSA was selected as an Horizon 2020 project
contributing to the new EU Climate Adaptation Strategy. HYDROUSA
developed a new circular business model based on water valuing, mostly
suitable for Mediterranean and other water-scarce regions in Europe and
worldwide. Further information can be found here
“Sustainable Production in water limited environments of Mediterranean
agro-ecosystem” is an R&I project co-funded under the PRIMA 2018
programme section I, for a period of 3 years starting from October
2019. SUPROMED will provide a holistic crop-livestock water management
system resilient to climate change. In detail, an end-user IT
(Information Technology) platform specially designed to smartly advise
farmers in the efficient water management of Mediterranean cropping and
livestock systems will be delivered. To this aim, SUPROMED will
integrate a validated set of models and tools (MOPECO7, IREY8, DOPIR9
or DOPIR-SOLAR10) in an online platform to increase the production and
income of farms through a reduction and a more efficient use of water,
and other inputs such as energy and fertilizers, while decreasing the
impact on the environment. To learn more about SUPROMED project you can
watch the project video here
Sustain-COAST project was presented on 26 April at the EGU general
assembly. The annual EGU General Assembly is Europe’s largest and most
prominent geosciences event. The project coordinator (Technical
University of Crete) presented the approach adopted by Sustain-COAST
project: Living Labs towards sustainable groundwater management
giving the example of Malia, Crete, Greece case study.
Sustain-COAST “Sustainable coastal groundwater management and pollution
reduction through innovative governance in a changing climate” is an
R&I project co-funded under the PRIMA 2018 programme section II,
for a period of 3 years starting from June 2019. Further
information on Sustain-COAST
17- A technical
support service was launched to provide free advice and guidance to all
organic operators from the project partner countries (Jordan, Lebanon,
Italy, Tunisia, Greece, Spain) as part of the ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM project
Boosting cross-border Organic Ecosystem through enhancing agro-food
alliances (funded by the ENI CBC MED Programme 2014-2020), seeks to
create a cross-border agro-food system to develop organic agriculture
in the Mediterranean area. Starting from 4 May 2021 a team of advisers
will answer any questions on marketing, legislation, agri-food chains,
olive growing, viticulture and vegetable crops, pests and pathogens here.
18- The webinar series
“Innovation for SDGs: inspirational tools towards sustainability
challenges” focuses on opportunities and new trends in the fields of
research and innovation. The goal was to debate and advance towards the
achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The session
was moderated by the Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA)
leader of the toolbox development within the EdiCitNet project. The
EdiCitNet toolbox was presented, as an interactive space for knowledge
sharing. Special attention was given to the diverse functionalities
provided such as: An interactive Catalogue in which any person can
create profiles for their (edible)NBS. Such profiles showcase technical
information and offers a set of interactive functions that make it a
true social network for users (civil society, urban planners,
researchers). A Design and planning tool which enables users to create
their own initiative(s) by giving insights about resources needed and
food potential. A Performance assessment tool which enables user to
compare the performance of these initiatives in terms of
sustainability, urban challenges, and ecosystem services. You can watch
the recording of the webinar here
19- The managing
director of the Sanitation and Wastewater Establishment of the Region
of Murcia (Esamur) visited the works of the new Wastewater Treatment
Plant (WWTP) in the village of Majada, in the Mazarrón
municipality to view the progress of the new installation. This
new infrastructure will contribute to promoting eco-sustainability of
the municipality and supporting efforts being made by the regional
government to promote the re-use of water, as after purifying the
wastewater produced in the town, the cleaned water will be made
available to local farmers for crop irrigation. The project is expected
to be completed by July, as work is progressing at a good pace. Further
information on EMWIS website
20- After two years of
successive drought, Morocco’s dam filling is almost stable at 51.3% by
March 8, said the water department. In a recent report, the ministry
noted that last year water storage in Moroccan dams stood at an average
of 49%. While north and central dams show resilience and higher filling
capacity, those of the key agricultural region of Souss are at critical
levels leaving the risk of water cuts during next summer. Experts
expect water storage in Morocco’s dams to further decrease due to
evaporation and high demand this summer. Morocco has 145 large dams and
250 small ones and expects 20 more dams between 2020 and 2027. Further
information on EMWIS
21- A Green talk was
held on 14 April in Tunis on the theme “Sustainable and inclusive water
management in Tunisia: what role for public and private actors?”. This
event is part of the “30 Days of Dialogue on Green Transition in Europe
and Africa”, jointly organised by the Portuguese Presidency of the
European Union and the European Investment Bank on the sidelines of the
Africa-EU High Level Forum on Green Investment to be held in Lisbon on
23 April. The conference brought together national and international
private and public sector actors and was an opportunity to exchange
best practices and feedback on the inclusive and sustainable management
of water resources. Mr. Jean-Luc Revéreault, Head of the EIB
Representation in Tunisia, recalled the long-standing strategic
partnership between Tunisia and the EIB. Mr. Atef Majdoub, President of
the General Forum of Public-Private Partnerships, insisted, for his
part, on the important role that public-private partnerships can play
in the development of infrastructure necessary for the supply and
treatment of water. Further information on EMWIS
22- The French
Development Agency (AFD) joins forces with the Investment and
Development Fund of Montenegro (IDF) to facilitate investments in
support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A €50 million
credit line and a €400,000 technical assistance grant, in support of
developing climate projects in line with the Paris Agreement, were
signed on April 21 in Paris. Further information on EMWIS
23-To increase
investment in seawater desalination and wastewater reuse tenfold, Egypt
is relying on public private partnerships (PPPs). The government of
this North African country has thus launched a call for financing for
local and foreign companies through the Sovereign Wealth Fund of Egypt
(TSFE). “A partnership with these different parties will maximise the
return on investment in the water sector in Egypt,” says Hala El-Said,
the Egyptian Minister of Planning and Economic Development. Companies
interested in the call for financing have until September 2021 to
submit their bids to the Egyptian Sovereign Wealth Fund, a financing
mechanism managed by the Egyptian Ministry of Planning and Economic
Development. Further information on EMWIS
24- Prime Minister Dr. Mohammad Ishtayyeh, the Consul General of France, the EU Representative, and the AFD Country Director together with the Head of the Palestinian Water Authority, Hebron Governor and representatives of the local community laid the corner stone for the Hebron Regional Waste Water Treatment Plant in Hebron. At completion, the plant will serve around 400,000 people living in Hebron City and along Wadi As-Samen in Hebron Governorate and will pave the way to treated water reuse for agricultural purpose. Sewage from the Hebron Governorate runs untreated through populated areas (Wadi As-Samen) causing a substantial damage to the aquifer and the health of the residents. Safeguarding water and the environment is key towards sustainable development and ensuring a better future for all Palestinians. The Hebron Regional Wastewater Management Project is developing a treatment plant and will support the Hebron Municipality in the establishment of an independent water and wastewater service. The project addresses the immediate needs for treatment of the existing sewage stream coming from 80% of Hebron city. The Wastewater Treatment Plant will treat the sewage flow in Wadi As-Samen. The project will reduce environmental pollution and health risks from wastewater produced in the Hebron Municipality.Further information on EMWIS website
25- Vacancy: Tractebel GKW GmbH,
Germany is looking for urban water engineers to work on projects
such as water schemes and sewer improvement programmes at all stages,
from conception and planning to completion and handover. Further
information on EMWIS
26- Vacancy: WWF Coordinator - UN Decade
on Ecosystem Restoration. The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is one
of the best-known nature conservation organizations in the world. With
projects in over a hundred countries, WWF pursues the goal of
preserving the biological diversity of our planet - right where it
counts. Further information on EMWIS
28-The measurement and monitoring of water supply, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) affordability: a missing element of monitoring of sustainable development goal (SDG) targets 6.1 and 6.2: New report by UNICEF and WHO sets out recommendations for monitoring the affordability of access to water, sanitation and hygiene, as COVID-19 brings new urgency to the issue. Further information on EMWIS website
29- A New Industrial Emissions Directive: Mastering water efficiency and reuse challenges New Water Europe Position Paper : On the 23rd of March, the European Commission closed its public consultation on the revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive. The Industrial Emission Directive has proven its added value with the industrial emissions being decreased over the past decade in Europe. However, it is now time to focus on pollution reduction to water and soil and improve water efficiency. Therefore, Water Europe welcomes the initiative of the European Commission to update this directive which will contribute to securing European competitiveness, improving our environmental legacy for future generations and strengthening European strategic autonomy. In this context and in order to achieve a Water-Smart Society, Water Europe suggests the following objectives: Leveraging water-related standards in each BREF- Setting-up horizontal BREF on water efficiency- Including mandatory systems assessment for water usage- Incentivizing industrial water efficiency, cascading and reuse water through subsidies- Deploying digital water solutions for water-energy efficiencies and the decarbonization of European industry. Further information on EMWIS website
31- Horizon Europe is the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation with a budget of €95.5 billion. It tackles climate change, helps to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and boosts the EU’s competitiveness and growth. The programme facilitates collaboration and strengthens the impact of research and innovation in developing, supporting and implementing EU policies while tackling global challenges. It supports creating and better dispersing of excellent knowledge and technologies call and tenders are available here.
32- The Interreg-Med programme has gone trough a large consultation process that ended on 10 May 2020, to define its strategy and priorities for the period 2021-2027. It will now include 2 new countries (Bulgaria and North Macedonia) as well as 3 new Spanish regions (Castilla-la-Mancha, la Comunidad de Madrid et l’Estremadura). The European Commission approval and first call for proposals are expected for September 2021. Further information on EMWIS website
33- Call for papers: Water Supply Special Issue on Water Quality Control: Water quality control is essential to satisfy basic human needs, health, food production, energy and maintenance of regional and global ecosystems. In recent years, research has emerged on the water quality control in many aspects. The special issue is devoted to providing rich and thought-provoking scientific findings to share the latest research development and technical solutions in the areas of water treatment technologies, including reuse and recycling; water quality monitoring; drinking water quality; water pollution control; water pollutants, characteristics and effects; water resources and management, as well as other technology and modelling studies on water quality control. Deadline for paper submission: July 2021. Further information on EMWIS website
Conference on Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus scientific
advances in the Mediterranean region. The WEFE Nexus Science Advances
Conference is organised by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European
Commission, the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), the Partnership for
Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA) and the
Cyprus Institute to address the role of science as a driver of
innovation and its interface with the policymaking process. It will
recommend practical measures on how to integrate new paths in research
and planning across the WEFE Nexus, through a collaborative response
throughout the Mediterranean region. The conference will be held from
27 to 29 September 2021. Further information on EMWIS
35- Safe Use of Wastewater
Training: Under the project of ReWater MENA, that is funded by the
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and led by
International Water Management Institute (IWMI), ACWUA announced its
series of training workshops that aim of building and strengthen the
stakeholders capacity of 400 beneficiary for safe water reuse to speed
up the adaptation and replication or reuse solution, webinars will
start by the end of May and last till the beginning of July 2021.
Further information on EMWIS
[2020/07/12 - 2021/07/15] 16th Annual International Symposium
on Environment
information on EMWIS
[2020/06/21 - 2021/06/25] The 5th
ecoSTP conference“Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment (ecoSTP)”
Further information on EMWIS
[2021/06/16 - 2021/06/18]
SimHydro 2021
Further information on
[2021/06/14 -
2021/06/18] Water Innovation Europe 2021 is coming up!
Further information on
2021/06/06] UfM Working Group on Blue Economy
Further information on
[2021/05/18 -
2021/05/19] Pathways to extend sustainable water reuse practices in
Further information on EMWIS website
PROJECTS (Projects database)
- This is a monthly Flash provided by the EMWIS Technical
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- The EMWIS Flash gives you regular and quality information on the
water sector in the Euro-Mediterranean area. The main headlines are:
Institutions, Documentation, Training, Research and Development, Data
Administration. You will also find updates on: international events,
relevant web sites, the Euro-Med Water programme of the European
Commission, and much more ...
- You can view this Flash and also the previous issues
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