EMWIS Special Flash - 6th World Water Forum (WWF), Marseille 12-17 March 2012
Released | 06/03/2012 |
EMWIS Special Flash - 6th World Water Forum (WWF), Marseille 12-17 March 2012 FULL PROGRAMME OF THE 6th WWF: http://www.worldwaterforum6.org/en/programme/ SAVE THE DATES
Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector (EMWIS/SEMIDE)
has the honor of inviting you to its sessions during the 6th World Water
Forum |
In this Special issue:
1- EMWIS at the 6th World Water Forum
The Forum unveils its full programme
3- Mediterranean Cross-Continental Process Sessions
4- Mediterranean Side Events at the 6th WWF
5- Special Session: "Mediterranean Water Forum: From Marrakech to Marseille &
the Future": 16 March 2012 (11h - 13h)
6- Arab Countries Cross-Continental Process
7- Europe Region Preparatory Process
8- World Pact for Better Basin Management
9- WANA Forum Side Event: Regional Solution for Water Scarcity in West Asia-North Africa
10- MEDRC Side Event: A Platform for Regional Cooperation in Desalination and Water Reuse
11- CMI Side Event: Towards Green Growth in the
Mediterranean Countries
EMWIS is leading 3 sessions, one the thematic process, one on the Mediterranean
process and a side event:
Water Information Systems for a Better Governance in the Mediterranean" Tuesday 13 March 2012, from 13:15 to 14:15 at Room: PEu 1 - Europa 1 >
Palais de l'Europe: In the water sector, access to reliable information is a
major challenge for a transparent and efficient governance. A national water
data collection and monitoring system is an essential element in order to
provide reliable background for defining, implementing and evaluating each
country’s water policies and investments linked to clear and shared objectives.
Improving institutional cooperation and implementing jointly agreed standads are
the main challenges. EMWIS have been working with all Mediterranean countries
since 2005 on sharing knowledge on data management. A new momentum has been
reached thanks to the Union for the Mediterranean Ministerial recommendations
for data, information and statistics on water, based on internationally agreed
definitions and methods, structured within information systems. The commitments
to be discussed are directly linked to the governance targets of the
Mediterranean Cross-Continental Process, as well as the information monitoring and sharing of the
thematic process “cooperation and peace”.
* Target MED 4.2 of the Mediterranean Cross-Continental Process: "Sustainable cost
recovery (SCR) for sanitation services" - Wednesday 14 March -
8:30 / 10:30 at Room: PC 13 - Patio 3 > Palais des Congrès (Level 1): By 2015,
each Mediterranean country has defined a strategy of sustainable cost recovery (SCR)
for sanitation services through the use of tariffs and fees, public subsidies
and international financial assistance to ensure economical sustainability,
equitable access for all and pollution control.
* Target PfA 1.5 of the thamtic process "Contribute to Cooperation and Peace
through water": "Sharing and monitoring information
at the transboundary level for sustainable water management" -Thursday 15 March 2012, from 14:30 to 16:30, at Room: PEu 3 - Europa 3 > Palais
de l'Europe: The success of cooperation policies in the water sector depends on
the use of efficient governance tools where transparency and confidence in
access to information on the status of water resources and their use is
fundamental. The establishment of information systems to support sound
management of water resources and transboundary cooperation is not easy, data
are often widely distributed, of inconsistent quality and collected for a range
of different purposes, at different spatial and time scales. This session will
demonstrate solutions already implemented and other still emerging to support
the cooperation between riparian countries sharing the same water resources. It
will also discuss the commitment necessary to move towards an open data
behaviour within the water community worldwide. Further information on
EMWIS website.
2- The Secretariat of the International Forum Committee presented last week the official 6th World Water Forum programme. In an environmentally friendly approach, and in line with the current mobility habits, the programme of the Forum will live under different forms, combining digital tools, paper documents, among others, to make the consultation of events easier thanks to new technologies. Further information at: http://www.worldwaterforum6.org/en/programme/
3- The Mediterranean Cross-Continental Process, which gathers all categories of stakeholders including decision-makers (Ministries, Parliamentarians, and Local and Territorial Authorities), professionals (public and private), and representatives from the civil society, will enable the related water community to identify and outline innovative and existing solutions to the main issues including: Governance ; demand-supply management; non-conventional water use ; and depollution of a shared ecosystem. Under this process, 8 thematic sessions are organised on: 13, 14 & 15 March 2012. Further information on EMWIS website.
Med 1.1 & Med 1.2: Improving water demand
Coordinator: Gaëlle THIVET (Blue Plan)
Tuesday 13 March - 14:30 / 19:00 - Room: PC 2 - Endoume 3 > Palais des Congrès (Rez
de Jardin Level)
Med 2.1: The assessment and contribution of non conventional resources, possible
impacts on the environment, economy, health and energy
Coordinator: David Martínez Vicente (Foundation: Euro-Mediterranean Water
Tuesday 13 March - 11:00 / 13:00 - Room: PEu 4 - Europa 4 > Palais de l'Europe
Med 2.2: Including non conventional resources within the integrated water
resources planning of the countries.
Coordinator: David Martínez Vicente (Foundation: Euro-Mediterranean Water
Tuesday 13 March - 08:30 / 10:30 - Room: PEu 1 - Europa 1 > Palais de l'Europe
Med 3.1: Improving water governance
Coordinator: Anthi BROUMA (GWP-Med)
Thursday 15 March - 11:00 / 13:00 - Room: PC 4 - Patio 2 > Palais des Congrès (Rez
de Jardin Level)
Med 3.2: Implementation of mechanisms for effective stakeholder participation
Coordinator: Jacques PLANTEY, Serge MIQUEL (IME)
Wednesday 14 March - 14:30 / 16:30 - Room: PEu 1 - Europa 1 > Palais de l'Europe
Med 4.1: Urban and Industrial Wastewater collection and treatment
Coordinator: Cassilde BRENIERE (AFD)
Thursday 15 March - 8:30 / 10:30 - Room: PC 16 - Riou > Palais des Congrès (Level
Med 4.2: Sustainable financing for Sanitation Sector
Coordinator: Jauad EL KHARRAZ (EMWIS/SEMIDE) & Nejib ABID (ONAS, Tunisia)
Wednesday 14 March - 8:30 / 10:30 - Room: PC 13 - Patio 3 > Palais des Congrès (Level
Two Synthesis sessions will be organised after the thematic ones:
< MED Synthesis (I): Mediterranean Synthesis: Water Demand Management (Priority
1) & Water Governance (Priority 3)
MED Synthesis (II): Non-conventional water use (Priority 2) & Urban and
Industrial Wastewater collection and treatment (Priority 4) >
Coordinator : IME
Thursday 15 March 2012, from 14:30 to 19:00 - Room: PEv A5 - Grand salon >
Palais des Evénements (A)
< MED Special session - Mediterranean Synthesis and Mediterranean Water Forum:
from Marrakech to Marseille and the Future >
Coordinator : IME
Friday 16 March 2012, from 11:00 to 13:00 - Room: PEv A3 - Salon d'honneur >
Palais des Evénements (A)
4- Several Mediterranean side events will be organised in parallel with the Mediterranean Cross Continental Process thematic sessions. Hereafter a list. Further information on EMWIS website.
Towards Green Growth in the Mediterranean Countries
Coordinator: CMI & OCEMO
Tuesday 13 March 2012, from 08:30 to 11:30 - Room: PP 2 - Athéna 2 > Palais
Shared Water Information Systems for a Better Governance in the Mediterranean
Coordinator: EMWIS/SEMIDE
Tuesday 13 March 2012, from 13:15 to 14:15 - Room: PEu 1 - Europa 1 > Palais de
Mediterranean Trialogue: Water Governance
Coordinator: IME
Wednesday 14 March 2012, from 11:00 to 13:00 - Room: PC 10 - Goude 2 > Palais
des Congrès (Level 1)
Territorial Governance of Water in the Mediterranean
Coordinator: Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco
Wednesday 14 March 2012, from 13:15 to 14:15 - Room: PC 12 - Sormiou > Palais
des Congrès (Level 1)
Mediterranean Strategic Water Sectors and Climate Change
Coordinator: CIHEAM
Wednesday 14 March 2012, from 19:15 to 20:15 - Room: PC 3 - Patio 1 > Palais des
Congrès (Rez de Jardin Level)
How to Better Organize Governance Tools and the Mutualization of Water Expertise
in the Mediterranean
Coordinator: IPEMED
Thursday 15 March 2012, from 13:15 to 14:15 - Room: PC 17 - Samena > Palais des
Congrès (Level 2)
The Water Market as Seen from Wetlands
Coordinator: Tour du Valat
Friday 16 March 2012, from 13:15 to 14:15 - Room: PC 12 - Sormiou > Palais des
Congrès (Level 1)
5- When the 1st Forum of Mediterranean Water took place in Marrakech (19th-20th December 2011), a dialogue was established among the representatives of the main stakeholders of the Mediterranean Community of Water. This dialogue has made it possible to underline the necessity to bring out a federative platform of all the initiatives and programs, and in particular of actions led by networks and regional institutions working in the region. Considering the dialogue initiated in Marrakech and more particularly the recommendations elaborated by the preparatory process of the Mediterranean sessions of the 6th Forum, and finally the synthesis' sessions, it is necessary to hold a final session which will have to: Confirm the recommendations of the 1st Forum of Marrakech on the initiation of a "Mediterranean Water Forum"; Carry on the dialogue with a more restricted panel; Define the main components of a roadmap for the initiation of the "Mediterranean Water Forum". Hence, this Special Session: "Mediterranean Water Forum: From Marrakech to Marseille & the Future" coordinated by the Mediterranean Water Institute (IME) will take place on Friday 16 March 2012 (11h - 13h) at Room: PEv A3 - Salon d'honneur > Palais des Evénements (A). Further information on EMWIS website.
6- The Arab Countries, members of the Arab League, are represented in the 6th World Water Forum as one Unit. The Arab countries cross-continental process gathers all stakeholders (Ministers, Governmental Organizations, non- Governmental Organizations, Parliamentarians, Local Authorities, Civil Society, and the related Regional and International Organizations and Institutions, and the partners of the Arab Ministerial Council for Water. The Strategy for Water Security in the Arab Region adopted in June 2011 by Arab Ministerial Council for Water was established to bring about appropriate solutions to ensure water security in the region. Five priority projects were identified for the integrated water resources management in the Arab region. These projects were used to define the Arab Region’s five Targets during the 6th World Water Forum to take place in Marseille in March 2012. Hereafter sessions related to that process. Further information on EMWIS website.
AR4 Shared Water Resources in the Arab Region and
with Neighbouring Countries
Coordinator: Centre of Arab Water Security – Arab League
Wednesday 14 March 2012, from 08:30 to 10:30 - Room: PC 3 - Patio 1 > Palais des
Congrès (Rez de Jardin Level)
AR1 Increasing Water Use Efficiency to Cope With
Mounting Challenges in The Arab Countries
Coordinator: Arab Water Council (AWC)
Wednesday 14 March 2012, from 11:00 to 13:00 - Room: PC 17 - Samena > Palais des
Congrès (Level 2)
Living with Water Scarcity in the Arab Countries
Coordinator: Arab Water Council
Wednesday 14 March 2012, from 15:30 to 17:30 - Room: PP 2 - Athéna 2 > Palais
AR2 Integrated Policies to Secure Water for All
Sectors, with Special Emphasis on Achieving the Water and Sanitation MDG in the
Arab countries
Coordinator: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UNESCWA)
Thursday 15 March 2012, from 11:00 to 13:00 - Room: PC 6 - Jardin 2 > Palais des
Congrès (Rez de Jardin Level)
AR3 Bridging the Water Gap in the Arab Region: the
Promise of Desalination, Water Reuse and Renewable Energy
Coordinator: Arab Water Academy (AWA)
Thursday 15 March 2012, from 14:30 to 16:30 - Room: PC 11 - Morgiou > Palais des
Congrès (Level 1)
AR5 To Increase Understanding of and Capacity to
Examine Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources in the Region and to Increase
the Capacities of Regional and National Water Sector Institutions to Develop and
Implement Strategies for Adaptation to CC; Coordinator: ACSAD
Thursday 15 March 2012, from 17:00 to 19:00 - Room: PC 11 - Morgiou > Palais des
Congrès (Level 1)
AR Synthesis - Strategy for Arab Water Security
Coordinator: League of Arab States/Arab Coordination Committee/Arab Ministerial
Water Council & Centre of Arab Water Security – League OF Arab States
Friday 16 March 2012, from 08:30 to 13:00 - Room: PC 9 - Goude 1 > Palais des
Congrès (Level 1)
7- The European process for the preparation of the Forum concerns: the European Union, the Balkans, Eastern Europe and the Russian Federation, the Caucasus Central Asia. In general, all countries of “Greater Europe”, adhering to the UNECE Convention of 1992. The specificity of the Mediterranean Countries will have to be taken into account. The international Office for Water (OIEAU/IOWater) has been charged to animate the Europe Region Preparatory Process. Several sessions are scheduled under this process. Further information on EMWIS website.
8- World Pact for Better Basin Management: This Pact that mentions the principles that the International Network of Basin Organisations (INBO) and its regional networks have efficiently fostered since 1994, will be proposed to INBO and MENBO members and observers for signing within the official program of the World Water Forum in Marseille the 16th of March at 13:15h. Further information on EMWIS website.
9- Water Security was a central theme of WANA Forum 2010, where regional experts warned that the wars of the 21st century will be fought over water. Climate change will only exacerbate problems in a region already stressed by lack of water, food and political and social unrest. Water scarcity is closely linked to food & health security, making better water management a key stepping stone for poverty reduction and economic growth. HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal’s concept of a Community of Water and Energy for the Human Environment takes an integrated approach to water, hunger, climate change, health and poverty, with a view to averting future conflict with concentric circles of cooperation. The policy Brief that is intended to be lunched at this side event will highlight some of the regional challenges and opportunities in water management including political and legal framework, finance, technology and institutional development, all of which have to involve and empower local communities. WANA Side event will took place in: Room: PC 14 - Patio 4 > Palais des Congrès (Level 1) on Friday 16 March 2012, from 13:15 to 14:15. Further information on EMWIS website.
10- The Middle East Desalination Research Center (MEDRC) Sid Event at the 6th World Water Forum is organized under the Mediterranean Cross Continental Process, Priority 2, Non Conventional Water Resources. It will be focused on the issue of a Platform for Regional Cooperation in Desalination and Water Reuse. It will take place in Room Europa 1 (PEU1) hall Palais de l’Europe on Wednesday 14 March from 13:15 to 14:15. Further information on EMWIS website.
11- The Marseille Centre for
the Mediterranean Integration (CMI) and its partners the World Bank, the
European Investment Bank, the French Development Agency, Plan Bleu, Femise and
the City of Marseille have initiated a thorough review of green growth and
produced the 2012 MED report "Towards Green Growth in Mediterranean countries".
This work is furtherred with the collaboration of the Office of Economic
Cooperation for Mediterranean and Middle East (OCEMO). This will lead to
recommendations in linkage with RIO + 20 and will be officially presented during
the conference to be held on 2 and 3 May 2012 in Marseille. The objective is to
offer civil society actors and experts the opportunity to demonstrate that the
environment is an outstanding opportunity for job creation, social cohesion, and
water and energy savings. The CMI 2012 Med Report: “Towards Green Growth in the
Mediterranean countries” was produced by the World Bank in collaboration with
the European Investment Bank, the French Development Agency, Plan Bleu and
Femise. It aims at giving evidence that green growth is a substantial way to
face the employment issue with short-term results. On the occasion of the World
Water Forum, the CMI and the OCEMO organize a side event: "Towards Green Growth
in the Mediterranean Countries - Implementing Policies to Enhance the
Productivity of Natural Assets" to take place in Room: PP 2 - Athéna 2 > Palais
Phocéen on Tuesday March 13th, 2012 ; 08:30 – 11:30. Further information on
EMWIS website.
France-China Cooperation on River Basin Water Management, Monday, 12 March 2012,
from 19:15 to 20:15
+ Further information: http://www.emwis.net/documents/meetings/events/wwf6/