Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
International portal

Folder Events for 2006/11

Event sev428545 Item only translated in French
Event sev734163 Item only translated in French
Event sev462185 Item only translated in French
Event sev164231 Item only translated in French
Event sev060174 Item only translated in French
Event sev533319 Item only translated in French
Event sev858254 Item only translated in French
Event 10th EMWIS Steering Committee Meeting
Event 14th International Seminar on Hydropower Plants
Event 1st thematic workshop of the EU project NORMAN
Event 2nd European Water Association Brussels Conference
Event 2nd International Conference on Water Resources and Arid Environment
Event 3rd International Conference on Scour and Erosion
Event 3rd International Exposition & Conference: Technologies for Water & Environment - WATERTEC 2006
Event 3th Euro-Med Ministerial Conference on the Environment
Event 4th General Assembly of MENBO - Mediterranean Cooperation Session: Capacity Building of River Basin Organisations (RBOs) and Mediterranean Cooperation
Event 8th EuroMed Conference of Ministers for Foreign Affairs (Barcelona VIII)
Event 8th Meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP-8) to the Basel Convention
Event Agriculture and the Environment: Practices and Processes in Soil and Water
Event CEN Workshop on MBR standardisation
Event Climate Change and the Middle East : Past, Present and Future.
Event Conference Challenge of Delivering Global Water Infrastructure
Event Conference of the water directors of the Euro-mediterranean and southeastern european countries
Event Conference: EIB Financing for the water sector in Romania
Event Deserts and Desertification : Challenges and Opportunities
Event EU Launch of the Dundee UNESCO Centre
Event Environmental Education meeting at Hera
Event Environmental capacity building training course
Event European Water Congress 2006
Event Final Conference of the RhineNet Project
Event GWP-Med Partnership Council Meeting
Event Hydronòmica 2006 Convention: The Costs and Price of Water
Event Information and training seminar for EMWIS data managers
Event Les journées du CNFME: « Analyse des risques sanitaires en production et distribution d’eau destinée a la consommation humaine »
Event MWWD Conferences on Marine Waste Water Discharges and Coastal Environment
Event Meeting of the Parties to the Water Convention
Event NATO Advanced Research Workshop: Sharing Knowledge Across the Mediterranean (3)
Event New IWRM and Transboundary Course Offerings from SIWI
Event New opportunity of training on Integrated Transboundary Water Resources Management (ITWRM) for the MENA Region, first phase
Event Seminar on "Which Mediterranean for 2010?"
Event Seminar: Futur of irrigation in the Mediterranean
Event Senior Officials and EuroMed Committee meetings
Event Symposium ‘Arsenic in Groundwater — A World Problem’
Event The 10th edition of Ecomondo
Event The 2006 International Conference on Water in Arid and Semiarid Lands
Event The 3rd International Conference on the Water Resources in the Mediterranean Basin, WATMED 3
Event The Conference "Water Right against Poverty" (WRAP 2006)
Event The ECO-IMAGINE Thematic Conference: The WaterFront Management and GI
Event The FOOTPRINT annual meeting
Event The First International Conference in Water technology: “From Invention and Development to Product; From Research Institutes to the Water Industry”
Event The Third Franco-Maghrebine Meeting on Membrane Science and Technology
Event The second run of Arabic MedOpen, a virtual training course on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in Arabic language
Event Training Course on Flood Risk Management and the Water Framework Directive
Event UNDP’s Virtual Knowledge Fair on Water - Water Governance for the 21st Century
Event Water Finance and Investment Summit
Event Water Resources in Ireland and Climate Change Seminar
Event Water and Governance Research Workshop
Event Workshop: Environmental Research for SMEs - Technology Challenges and Market Opportunities in Waste Water Treatment
5th Mediterranean Water Forum