Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
International portal

Folder Events for 2007/04

Event sev824975 Item only translated in French
Event sev709295 Item only translated in French
Event sev582356 Item only translated in French
Event sev273548 Item only translated in French
Event sev881356 Item only translated in French
Event sev872877 Item only translated in French
Event International Conference on Climate Changes and their impacts on the coastal zone and river deltas: Vulnerability, Mitigation and Adaptation (CCIE 2007)
Event 1st Expert Meeting of the UNESCO Working Group on Water Education and Capacity Building for Sustainable Development
Event 2nd EMCO workshop on Emerging Contaminants in Wastewaters: Monitoring tools and treatment technologies
Event 2nd International EWA Conference ‘Waters in Protected Areas’
Event 6th World Wide Workshop for Young Environmental Scientists: ‘Urban waters: resource or risk’
Event 8th United Kingdom Young Water Professionals Conference
Event Beyond compliance: how regions can help build a successful sustainable Europe
Event EDS Conference on Desalination and the Environment
Event EMWater 5th Web Based Training
Event EU Water Initiative multi-stakeholder meeting
Event Envisat Symposium 2007
Event European Geoscience Union GA
Event International exhibition of water technologies (Hydrica) and Waste technologies (SEP)
Event Invitation to the Second Workshop on the Study on Costs and Benefits of the Water Framework Directive
Event SWAP2007 - European Symposium on Waterborne Pathogens in Surface and Drinking Waters
Event Seminar on Global Water Challenges: “Water, Power, Development - New Thinking and Innovative Technologies to Solve Global Water Challenges”
Event Symposium: Ecology of invasive Cyanobacteria and occurrence of Cylindrospermopsin producers in Germany and around the world - Results of the CYLIN Project, and Workshop: Taxonomy of Freshwater Cyanobacteria
Event The First MEDA WATER Partners Conference
Event United Nations/Morocco/European Space Agency International Workshop on the Use of Space Technology for Sustainable Development
Event Urban Remote Sensing Joint Event 2007
Event WAPO2 International Conference on WAter POllution in natural POrous media at different scales: Assessment of fate, impact and indicators
Event WSDWTF 2007: The 8th China Int’l Water Supply& Drainage and Water Treatment Exhibition
Event Workshop on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Planning in Libya - Current Status and the Way Forward Demonstrated by National, Regional and International Experiences
Event Workshop on Legal Aspects of Water Sector Reforms
5th Mediterranean Water Forum