Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
International portal

Folder Events for 2010/11

Event 14eme-salon-international-de-la-recuperation-de Item only translated in French
Event les-deuxiemes-journees-internationales-sur-les Item only translated in French
Event xiieme-journees-scientifiques-du-reseau Item only translated in French
Event france-expo-2010-casablanca-1013-novembre Item only translated in French
Event les-journees-de-l-oieau-2010-innovations-technologiques-en-traitement-des-boues Item only translated in French
Event presentation-du-pole-thematique-icare Item only translated in French
Event 2010 Euro-Mediterranean Summit of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions
Event 3rd Africa Water Week
Event 6th Algeria Electricity and Water Expo
Event 6th EWA Brussels Conference - Implementing the River Basin Management Plans: State of reporting and expectations
Event 7º North Africa Business Development Forum (NABDF), Barcelona 22/11/2010
Event ACQUEAU Call 3 Information Day- 23rd November
Event AFED Annual Conference: "Water: Sustainable Management of a Scarce Resource"
Event Consultation Meeting on the Proposed Integrated Drought Management Programme
Event Drylands, Deserts and Desertification: The Route to Restoration
Event EGM on the "Development of a Vulnerability Assessment for the Arab Region to Assess Climate Change Impacts on the Water Resources Sector"
Event Euromed Summit of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions
Event High-Level Climate Change Consultation, Public-Private Knowledge Fair, and Launch Event of the Arab Climate Resilience Initiative
Event IWA conference: "Water and Energy"; 10 - 12 November 2010
Event IWRM Karlsruhe 2010
Event Innovation, Efficiency and Collaboration in Urban and Waste Water Drainage Conference
Event MEDAYS 2010: "The Southern Forum : Latin America - Africa - Asia "
Event Pollutec 2010
Event Second session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol on Water and Health
Event The Fifth Session of the International Conference Geotunis 2010: The use of GIS and remote sensing for sustainable development
Event The international negotiations on climate change and COP16 [2 comment(s)]
Event UfM Agriculture - Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Food Security, Agriculture and Rural Development
Event Virtual training course for Mediterranean coastal zone management
Event WISE Geographical Information Systems workshop
Event Water supply and wastewater treatment in EU external aid programmes / Séminaire sur "l'approvisionnement en eau potable et le traitement des eaux usées dans les programmes d'aide extérieure de l'UE" - 24 novembre 2010
Event Waterworlds: Tourism development, conflicts and planning
Event WssTP Workshop on Urban Areas
5th Mediterranean Water Forum