Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
International portal

Folder Events for 2013/07

Event la-quatrieme-edition-du-forum-de-l-action-internationale-des-collectivites Item only translated in French
Event la-4eme-edition-du-forum-de-l-action-internationale-des-collectivites Item only translated in French
Event tunisie-debat-national-sur-la-constitutionnalisation-du-droit-l-eau Item only translated in French
Event seminaire-regional-8-juillet-2013-elaboration-des-programmes-europeens-2014-2020 Item only translated in French
Event Annual International Forum on Water
Event European Meeting Kompaso
Event Fifth International Conference on Climate Change
Event GI_Forum 2013 - Creating the GISociety
Event Sharing data and information in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East
Event Summer course "Climate change and hydrology: from science to practice in water and soil management"
Event The 5th International Congress of Energy and Environment Engineering and Management (CIIEM)
Event The eighth Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS)
Event The second edition of the International Summer School "Life-Cycle Approaches to Sustainable Regional Development"
Event Water Footprint training in the International Summer School "Life-Cycle Approaches to Sustainable Regional Development "
Event World Justice Forum IV
5th Mediterranean Water Forum