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News New publication: CARE-S: Computer Aided Rehabilitation for Sewer and Storm Water Networks

CARE-S is a 3-year research project funded by the European Commission under the Fifth Framework Programme aiming to develop an integrated and robust decision support system for sewage network management.  The advanced rehabilitation planning system is based on a comprehensive and integrated suite of software tools including enough flexibility for adaptation to a variety of situations, users needs and skills.
The product is in its final stage of development and adaptation. End-users involved in the project are implementing the tool for daily operational management in areas of Spain and Portugal. Other European cities and water managers are attracted by the CARE-S system. Contracts have been signed by Reggio Emilia - Italy and in Stockholm establishing a formal introduction of the system for sewer management purposes. The cities of Prague and Cracow are firmly interested and concrete projects for demonstration and training programmes are well progressing.

The new generation management system of sewer and storm water assets, methodology and software is presented in a recently published book: "CARE-S: Computer Aided Rehabilitation for Sewer and Storm Water Networks", edited by Sveinung Saegrov. The publication is available from IWA Publishing: (ISBN: 1843391155; August 2006). 

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News type Inbrief
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Source of information Water and Soil Times newsletter
Keyword(s) Sewers and Stormwater
Geographical coverage EU, Italy
News date 14/09/2006
Working language(s) ENGLISH