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News Eurojar feature: EU-funded project CAP Nador to save coastal natural wealth

The latest article published within the Eurojar series in the pan-Arab daily Al-Hayat highlights the scope and objectives of CAP Nador, a project funded by the EU within the framework of the Regional Programme SMAP III. The project aims at ensuring an efficient environment protection and promoting economic and social development of the North-eastern Moroccan coastline.
The feature says that CAP Nador is a leading project in Morocco and will have a major impact on the local population. Its action plan was completed last May and includes sub-projects covering areas such as fishermen training, desertification, treatment of waste water and solid waste pollution, planned urbanisation and organised tourism activities.
Rural isolated communities expect the project initiatives to improve their quality of life and say that a lot of progress is already noticeable in the province. Coastal roads alleviated the isolation of several areas in the Nador province. It also facilitated several economic projects such as the expansion of the port of Beni Ansar, in addition to the development of coastal touristic activities.
SMAP III aims at supporting the Mediterranean Partner Countries in their efforts to prevent environmental degradation, improve environmental standards and integrate environmental considerations in their policies. The Short and Medium-term Priority Environmental Action Programme (SMAP III) encourages integrated coastal zone management around the Mediterranean. SMAP III continues the work of two earlier phases of the programme (1999-2005).
Eurojar is one of 13 projects funded across the ENPI under EuropeAid’s €19 million Regional Information and Communication Programme, which seeks to increase awareness and understanding among the citizens of the area, about the EU, its policies and relations with their countries. The Eurojar budget amounts to €1.5 million and the project will last for one year. As well as L’Orient le Jour, it publishes articles highlighting EU cooperation in Al-Hayat and Le Commerce du Levant and since June broadcast weekly reportages on LBCI and LBCSat.
Eurojar feature – CAP Nadour to save coastal natural wealth

Contact information ENPI Info Centre / Nadia Bensellam, Al Hayat (email:
News type Inbrief
File link
Source of information ENPI Info Centre
Keyword(s) EU-SMAP, ENPI
Geographical coverage Morocco
News date 29/06/2009
Working language(s) ENGLISH