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News Spain to host first forum of EU-Morocco local authorities ahead of key summit

The first EU-Morocco Forum of Local Authorities is to be held from 1 to 3 March in the Spanish city of Cordoba, according to the Spanish Presidency of the EU.

The forum is being organised by the Andalusian Municipal Fund for International Solidarity (FAMSI) under the activities of the Spanish Presidency, and comes ahead of the EU-Morocco Summit, which will be held on March 8 in Granada - the first Summit to be held by the EU with Morocco since the concession of the advanced status.

The aims of the local authority forum include a contribution to the establishment of the contents of the EU-Morocco Summit with regard to key issues for local governments of these territories, as well as an increase in decentralized cooperation and the development of an agenda involving local EU governments and Morocco. 

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News type Inbrief
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Source of information ENPI Info Centre
Geographical coverage Spain, Morocco
News date 12/02/2010
Working language(s) ENGLISH