BARCELONA EURO-MEDITERRANEAN BUSINESS DECLARATION 2010: Taking the initiative, shaping the Union for the Mediterranean
On 3-4 June 2010, representatives of the private sector, business support and economic development organisations from Europe and the Mediterranean gathered at the Mediterranean Economic Leaders Summit to urge political leaders to further promote Euro-Mediterranean economic integration and to involve the private sector systematically into the process of shaping the Union for the Mediterranean.
The UfM has so far not lived up to its high expectations, following its launching in 2008. After two years, the UfM is still focusing mainly on the input side, e.g. structures and responsibilities, instead of the output side. The UfM is currently struggling to achieve its primary goal: building confidence amongst its members by generating tangible projects on the ground.
Furthermore, the cancellation of the Political Summit of the Heads of State and Governments of the UfM planned for 7-8 June 2010 is a disappointment and a further sign that the UfM is not performing in a way that will bring benefits to the Euro-Mediterranean zone. Business needs the governments of the UfM countries to show leadership to create a beneficial investment climate.
The UfM must be driven by a new spirit of cooperation and conciliation to unlock the potential of business development. Political summits should always be organised in line with this spirit and based on the principles of the Barcelona Process. Additional funding for the UfM Secretariat should be contingent on its ability to faithfully pursue the business development projects with all partners.
We also expect business organisations to be closely associated with future decisions to guarantee that our views are fully taken on board.
Euro-Mediterranean Business has highlighted a series of key points, proposals and recommendations on the shaping of the UfM, in order to make it an operational union that can
develop concrete projects of joint Euro-Mediterranean interest and promote sustainable development especially in the Southern Mediterranean countries.
There are tremendous opportunities for economic growth and development in the Euro-Mediterranean area. Business is counting on governments to move forward in their next planned meeting in November 2010 to advance the process towards the establishment of a truly open and dynamic regional market.
« Déclaration de Barcelone » du sommet des leaders économiques euro-méditerranéens
Contact information | n/a |
News type | Inbrief |
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Keyword(s) | Union for the Mediterranean |
Subject(s) | FINANCE-ECONOMY |
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Geographical coverage | Euromed |
News date | 08/06/2010 |
Working language(s) | ENGLISH , FRENCH |