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News Space for the Mediterranean at the Toulouse Space Show 2010

The 2nd edition of the Toulouse Space Show was held from 8 to 11 June 2010 in Toulouse (France), centred on eight major events, among others: the Union for the Mediterranean conference: "Space for the Mediterranean", Under the patronage of the President of the French Republic. It was the first one to tackkle the theme of space applications contribution to the benefit of concrete projects between partner countries of the Union for the Mediterranean. Presentations and talk were organized around several thematic round tables. The debates and the exchanges effectively created a favorable context to the establishment of numerous contacts and to the exchange of ideas.

The roundtable on water management was organized an introductory speech from Eric MINO -EMWIS- followed by a debate with experts:

  • Dr. Ghani CHEHBOUNI from the Institute for Development Research (IRD, Cairo),
  • Dr. Zohra Lili Shabaan from the Institut National Agronomique (Tunisia)
  • Dr. Selim CATAFAGO, President of the Litani River Authority (Lebanon).

It was noticed satellite imagery is still under used and various projects ideas were discussed.


Among the issues discussed:

Improved efficiency in irrigation (area in which there are relevant experiences);

Networking expertise in remote sensing and data interoperability;

integrating Earth Observation applications in the national water information systems - joint proposal by EMWIS and the European Space Agency (ESA) and EMWIS;

Provision of satellite images combining radar and optical data with sufficient geographical resolution at low cost or free.

The synthesis of the debates and the list of the participants will be soon available. Organizers expect that this conference will foster the development of innovative projects embedding space technologies and that concrete Mediterranean realizations will be presented during the next edition of Toulouse Space Show ( 2014 ).



See introductory speech from Mr. Eric MINO -manager of the EMWIS Technical Unit, on behalf of Mr. Walter MAZZITTI, President of EMWIS Steering Committee (in French only)

Contact information n/a
News type Inbrief
File link n/a
File link local IntroStrategieEau-UpM_EM_FR-20100611.doc (DOC, 255 Kb)
Source of information
Geographical coverage France
News date 23/06/2010
Working language(s) FRENCH