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News Italy-Tunisia Cross Border Cooperation: Event to present programme achievements

The EU-funded Italy-Tunisia Cross Border Cooperation programme 2007-2013 is holding an event to present its results and achievements on 18 October 2016 in Palermo, Italy. The purpose of the event is to develop a joint reflection on the achieved objectives and challenges faced in the implementation of the programme, capitalizing on the results and instruments adopted within the framework of the programme. In addition to reviewing the results achieved to date, the event will be a platform for reflection and exchange on the future possibilities of cooperation in both countries. It will open up a reflection on cooperation relations between Italy and Tunisia and on ways of enhancing them. During the event, information on the new ENI Italy-Tunisia Programme 2014-2020 will be provided and future challenges highlighted in the context of the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI). Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) reinforces cooperation between regions of EU Member States and Partner Countries on EU's external borders. EU financing for the Italy-Tunisia CBC programme is of EUR 25.1 million for the period 2007-2013. 

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News type Inbrief
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Source of information enpi-info
Geographical coverage Italy,
News date 14/10/2016
Working language(s) ENGLISH