Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
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News Upcoming EU-funded FASTER e-learning platform: improve your knowledge in land and water management

As part of its objectives of improving research on adaptation to climate change in land and water management, but also support the actors and the growing community of interested people in these topics, FASTER is working on the implementation of an E-learning platform. Participants to the courses are not necessarily required to be specialists on adaptation to climate change in land and water management, but might need to acquire a sound overview of land and water management related issues across their country. The target includes FAS technicians, higher education students, young researchers and technicians, representatives of the agriculture industry and other types of stakeholders at INRGREF, IRESA and partner stakeholders. The platform aims to provide the learners with a broad variety of courses, covering various topics to improve their knowledge in land and water management with specialized courses, but also offering classes from experts in innovative governance, excellence tools, capacity building and many more.

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News date 11/05/2020
Working language(s) ENGLISH