EMWIS flash N°34, April 2006
Released | 08/12/2006 |
EMWIS Flash - April 2006
Euro-Mediterranean Information System on the know-how in the Water Sector
EMWIS is a program of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership.
For further information: www.emwis.org
Monthly Flash produced by the EMWIS Technical Unit- OIEAU, CEDEX, SOGESID- with the support of the E.C.
It is available in English, French & Arabic.
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In this issue N°34
1. Shared water information systems highlighted at the 4th WWF of Mexico
2. EMWIS Steering Committee Meeting
3. Increased international collaboration in FP7
4. Software agents link isolated islands of water data
5. An intelligent nano-filtration system for measuring soil contamination and water quality
6. Algeria Seeks Dynamic Solutions to Water Shortages
7. New dam "Tamesna" inaugurated in Morocco
8. Drinking water quality in Switzerland
9. Egypt: Sakia Association for Water in Society and Environment
10. European early warning systems would help against natural disasters
11. Water Framework Directive: Evaluation campaign of Mediterranean water quality
12. Water Framework Directive: Transposition and Reporting - progress in the Member States
13. France: Inventory on Water services management
14. Germany: Active role in international water policy
15. Lebanon: The Association Agreement EU-Lebanon enters into force
16. Germany: Massive floods monitored from space
17. The results of the 4th Call for proposals for the EU FP6 "Water cycle and Soil related aspects" are online
18. Space network to track rainfall
1. During the 4th World Water Forum two major sessions underlined the advantages of shared water information systems. One was focusing on IWRM and the other one on risk and sustainable resources management. Several case studies on national and regional water information systems were presented including EMWIS for the Mediterranean, WISE for EU, and the French water information system. A set of recommendations, which aim at facilitating the implementation of these systems, came out of the discussions. See the page on these sessions at EMWIS website, and see also the Summary of the 4th World Water Forum Activities. As a follow up of these sessions and the feasibilities studies on National Water Information System carried out in 2005, EMWIS will organise a regional seminar at the end of June in Algiers. See EMWIS website for preliminary information.
2. The 9th Meeting of the Euro-Mediterranean Information System on the know-how in the Water sector –EMWIS- Steering Committee will be held in Nice (France) on 15th May 2006. This Committee now counts 13 countries: Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Spain, Turkey & the Palestinian Authority. During this meeting, the participants will define the thematic priorities of EMWIS for the period 2007-2010, and will discuss the terms of reference of the Feasibility Study for the Mediterranean Water Observatory. Other main topics on the agenda will be: the progress of EMWIS in the current year and the preparation of the Euro-Med Water Directors meeting to be held in Greece during the Autumn 2006. The synergies with Med-EUWI and the Joint process WFD/EUWI will be also discussed. See EMWIS website for for further information.
3. Following what András Siegler terms 'a steep learning curve' for DG Research during the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6), the DG's Director for International Scientific Cooperation has plans for bigger and better international cooperation (INCO) activities in FP7. Under FP6, INCO had a budget of €660 million, of which 60 million was allocated to support international mobility. The remaining 600 million was divided in two: €315 million was envisaged for collaboration with developing countries and the EU's neighbourhood policy countries in areas corresponding to the regions' needs, as identified by an appointed platform. The other €285 million was termed a 'policy target', and was to be used within the thematic priorities of FP6 via projects taking on board third countries. This was the first time that the entire programme has been opened up to third countries. The Commission recently published a top-up call, 'designed to improve the situation,' says Dr Siegler, which allows projects that are currently in the pipeline or have a minimum of 18 months remaining, to apply for funding to invite third country partners to join. Dr Siegler expects a huge interest in the call, which closes on 16 May (see Call for proposals below in this Flash). The precise contents of FP7 are yet to be finalised, but with an overall budget increase more or less assured, INCO is likely to benefit from greater funds. See the EC website for further details.
4. Tracking environmental information about inland water is vital to manage and maintain water quality and ecology, but currently most of it is in scores of dispersed data 'islands'. "Some EU countries could have over 20 different databases, from computer records kept by a single researcher to massive data warehouses maintained by the Ministry of Environment," says Dr Palle Haastrup, a researcher at the Joint Research Centre's Institute for Environment and Sustainability, and coordinator of the IST programme-funded Environmental Data Exchange Network for Inland Water (EDEN-IW) project. Most often, these different databases use a wide variety of software, in many languages and using different data formats. "Even the concepts governing specific terms vary. One country's measure of quality might relate to filtered water, while another country uses unfiltered." More prosaically, though very important, is simply getting access to the data in the first place. See IST Cordis website for further information.
5. Two researchers behind an intelligent nano-filtration system for measuring soil contamination and water quality took home the 2006 Nordic Innovation Award from Bayer CropScience, presented this week in Denmark. Former Marie Curie fellows Hubert de Jonge and Gadi Rothenberg won the Bayer CropScience Innovation Award 2006 for their patented filtration system. The filter has been fine-tuned, using high-tech nano-materials, to collect, sort and monitor numerous different solutes in soil and water. In addition to analysing soil, their patented Sorbicell system can monitor nutrients and alien elements in drainage and surface water, as well as groundwater and wastewater. The new method has unique advantages compared to known methods, according to de Jonge. See EC Research Information Centre for further information.
6. Algeria abounds with natural resources like oil and gas, phosphates and iron ore. However, Algeria is lacking in one very essential resource: water. The chronic water shortages hurt the national economy, especially when agriculture is affected. When the sector is sluggish, Algeria has to resort to more imports. Although government officials are working with international experts to increase water supplies to both rural and urban areas the task remains difficult. "There are many construction sites that need to be opened in the water supply sector because our natural resources are not sufficient," says Water Resources Minister Abdelmadjid Attar. "We are obliged to appeal to foreign companies as much for material needs as for a desire to master new technologies." See Magharebia website for full details.
7. The Moroccan King Mohamed VI inaugurated the "Tamesna" dam in Ben Ahmed, Settat (about 160Km south-eastern Rabat), and enquired about a programme to set up a four-dam hydraulic complex to protect the regions of Berrechid and Nouaceur (central west) from floods. The Tamesna dam is due to regulate a volume of 10 million m2 of water to provide drinking water to Ben Ahmed, El Gara and neighboring rural regions, and to meet the needs of irrigation. The dam has been allocated MAD 330 million (€30,2 million), including the construction of roads, and the purchasing of the needed land. As to the hydraulic complex, which will cost MAD 980 million (€89,9 million), it consists of four dams (Al Himer, Mazer, Tamedroust and Koudiat Al Garn) that will be constructed by late 2009. The dams are also designed to feed Berrechid ground water, which runs on an area of 1,500 m2. See Africatime news or Morocco times for full details.
8. Zurich's drinking water supply is tested not just by trout but also by small crayfish. This is the first time daphnia have been used in checking water production quality, say the town's water supply services. Since the beginning of the year, these 6mm water fleas have been continuously inspecting the drinking water before it arrives in the distribution network. The flees swim through a toxin-measuring device which records their movements 24 hours a day. Biological control systems are more suitable than in-line chemical measures because the latter do not detect minimal changes in specific substances which are only present in small quantities. For this reason, a control system had already been developed in Zurich using trout about 30 years ago. Thanks to the combination of biological checks and in-line chemical tests, safety and maximum water quality can be guaranteed. See European environmental press newsletter for full details.
9. Sakia Association for Water in Society and Environment (SAWSE) is a new non-profit NGO working in the field of Water Rights and free access to water resources and more globally the integrated sustainable development. SAWSE has an office in Menia City - Upper Egypt. See SAWSE website for further information.
10. Alert systems would warn Europe against natural disasters and help minimise their effects. This was the message Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director of the European Environment Agency, gave at a public hearing in the European Parliament in Brussels last 20th March. The hearing, 'Natural Disasters - How should Europe Respond' focused on how the EU could best prepare for future events. The EEA has mapped the effects of natural disasters in Europe between 1998-2003. During this period, for example, Europe suffered about 100 damaging floods causing 700 fatalities, the displacement of about half a million people and at least €25 billion in insured economic loss. See EEA website for further information.
11. On last March 17, Ifremer (French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea), launched the campaign WFD1 of measurements and observations. Its objective is to initiate the monitoring of Mediterranean coastal water into the framework of the European Water Directive (WFD) which lays down an ambitious objective of good ecological state of water in 2015, this campaign Ifremer in partnership with the Water Agency of the Rhone-Mediterranean, Corsica contribute to the programme of monitoring of water quality in the Mediterranean on behalf of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. WFD1 will make it possible, for the first time, to collect information on the chemical and biological state of the whole coastal water. See the press release for further information. (Only in French)
12. The Water Framework Directive provides for a number of deadlines by which Member States have to fulfil particular obligations and report the achievement to the European Commission. The next key reporting obligations in the Directive are: 22 March 2007 : Reporting of monitoring programmes, and 22 March 2010 : Reporting of River Basin Management Plan including programme of measures. In order to improve access to environmental information and the availability of reports, the European Commission (DG Environment, Joint Research Centre and Eurostat) and the European Environment Agency is currently developing an electronic data and information system on water called WISE (Water Information System for Europe). See the website of the EC for further information.
13. The French Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development (MEDD) entrusted to the institute of survey TNS-SOFFRES the mission of carrying out an investigation into the practices of the local communities concerning the distribution of water and sanitation services. This investigation was carried out from November 20, 2004 to March 15, 2005. To know some more, consult the results of this investigation. (Only in French)
14. United Nations have agreed goals and targets for improving the provision of safe drinking water and basic sanitation for people worldwide (Millennium Development Goals, World Summit on Sustainable Development, Commission on Sustainable Development 2005). It has stressed the connection between poverty alleviation and sustainable use of water as a scarce resource, and the importance of integrated trans-boundary cooperation in the field of water resource management. Germany (Environment and Economic cooperation ministries) played a major part in these processes (Petersberg Process; International Conference on Freshwater / Bonn 2001). The Federal Environment Ministry is now following this up with an initiative on trans-boundary water management in Southeast Europe. In addition to safeguarding water quality and preserving natural habitats, an important part is played by efficient management of rivers, lakes and groundwater taking account of competing uses such as water supplies, hydro power, shipping and flood control. Follow-up events in the region are planned for 2006 and 2007. See the website of the German Ministry for further information.
15. Relations between the EU and Lebanon got into a new phase on April 1, with the entering into force of the Association Agreement signed between the two parties. The Association Agreement sets out the principles governing political and economic relations between the EU and Lebanon. It provides for an in-depth political dialogue, it facilitates the country’s modernization effort and furthers economic cooperation. It replaces the Interim Agreement that was in force since 2003. The Association Agreement is also considered a first step in Lebanon’s participation in the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). Negotiations on its ENP Action started on 6th April. See The Delegation of the EC website for full details, and see agreement full text at the website of the EC.
16. Torrential rain and melting snow caused Germany’s Elbe River to rise to a record high level in northern parts of the country over the second weekend of April, flooding cities and damaging historic town centres. ESA’s ERS-2 satellite has been monitoring the situation from space. ERS-2 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images were one of the main sources of images used to delineate the flooded areas. This service was performed under the scope of the Risk-EOS service network – an initiative of ESA offering EO-based operational services for flood risk management, including rapid mapping of major disasters. Risk-EOS is part of ESA's initial Services Element of Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES), a joint initiative between ESA and the European Commission to develop a global monitoring capability for Europe harnessing all available ground- and space-based data sources. See ESA website for full information.
17. The EC has published the results of the 4th Call for proposals for the EU FP6 "Water cycle and Soil related aspects". After the evaluation of received proposals a number of projects have been selected in this area for immediate negotiation. A short description of the projects' objectives, consortia and contact persons have been compiled together with the results of the 3rd Call in this publication available online at EMWIS website.
18. The US and Japanese space agencies (Nasa and Jaxa) are to launch a satellite network to measure rainfall around the world. The Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) project will provide three-hourly reports on rainfall. It aims to improve weather forecasting and understanding of how the global water cycle affects climatic change. Details of the $1.1bn project, due to begin in 2011, were presented at a conference in Vienna, Austria. See BBC website for further information.
19 - Mr. Mohamed Néjib KACHOURI, was nominated last March 6th, Director of the Inventory and Hydraulic Research Office in the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture and Water resources. Indeed, Mr. Mohamed Néjib KACHOURI assumes the roles of Coordinator and data manager of EMWIS Tunisian National Focal Point. Mr. KACHOURI replaced Mrs. Sondes KAMOUN nominated at the Agency of Promotion and the Agricultural training. See EMWIS Tunisian NFP website for more information.
20 - Dr. T. Joench-Clausen, DHI (Danish Hydraulic Institute) Director for Development and Innovation has been awarded the prestigious King Hassan II Great World Water Prize. The price was presented by the Moroccan Prime Minister on March 16th at the opening ceremony of the 4th World Water Forum in Mexico City. With the Prize comes a check of US $ 100.000, which Dr. T. Joench-Clausen has donated to a new fund, which will support 3rd world women's education and training within integrated water resources management. See DHI website for more information.
21 - EU Descartes Research Prize 2006: Since 2000, the Descartes Research Prize has been awarded to trans-national research teams in recognition of scientific excellence in any field of sciences including socio-economic sciences and humanities. Research teams may submit their work themselves, but appropriate public or private organisations such as research centres, foundations or universities may also nominate candidates for the prize. This year’s prize total budget is €1,15 million: up to five laureate teams will share €1 million, and five finalist teams will receive €30.000 each. Closing date: May 4, 2006. All relevant information to submit a proposal can be found at the website of the EC. Click here for general information.
22. Pofessor Asit K. Biswas, a tireless water proponent who constantly challenges the ‘status quo’ and who helped foster a critical re-think among United Nations agencies, national governments, professional associations and others about how to improve delivery of water and sanitation services and management of our water resources, is the 2006 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate. Meanwhile, Those schools wishing to enter the UK competition for the Stockholm Junior Water Prize should indicate their intention by the end of April 2006. The final deadline for submission of projects is 1 June 2006. Submissions should be sent via email to CIWEM, the UK organising body, at SJWP or by post to SJWP, CIWEM, 15 John Street, London WC1N 2EB. For further information contact Lorraine Poole. More information about the Prize can be found at SIWI website. The Prize Award Ceremony will be held in Sweden on 22nd August.
23 – The International Water Association (IWA) recognises the special contributions of its members and water sector professionals through a programme of Honours and Awards. Nominations are sought for these prestigious awards which will be conferred at the Biennial World Water Congress in Beijing in 10-14 September of this year. Nominations must be made in writing, addressed to the Executive Director of IWA. The closing date for nominations is Friday 28 April 2006. Further details can be found at the website of IWA or see the announcement.=================================================
24. Experts signed up to the new ‘European Declaration for a New Water Culture’ in Madrid, Spain in 2005. Those present at the signing included the Spanish Minister of Environment, representatives from other EU Member States and officials from other continents, many of whose scientists and researchers are participating in EU INCO projects (RTD) and activities.
25. A new guidelines on Water Modeling and management is published. It gives information about software that can be of great interest for water users: WaterGEMS, WaterCAD, HAMMERTM, SCADAConnectTM, Bentley Water, 4ProjectWise.
26. Almost 20% of the world's population still lacks access to safe drinking water because of failed policies, an influential report has concluded. The UN World Water Development Report also blames a lack of resources and environmental changes for the problem. The study calls for better leadership if a goal of halving the proportion of people without proper access to safe water by 2015 is to be achieved. See BBC news for further information.
27. "Project Ecoflood guidelines: How to use floodplains for flood risk reduction" are the final product of the Ecoflood EC funded project. The main objective of these guidelines is to promote the use of floodplains as natural flood defence measures, while at the same time optimising other compatible functions and values through conservation and restoration. A preliminary version is available online.
28. The special issue of the French journal: 'Responsabilité et Environnement' (Responsibility and Environment) dedicated to Water issues in Africa tackles problems such as the role of private or public entities, gender issues, water supply for the Poor, and the questions of infrastructure financing. You can order it online. (It is only available in French, though some articles were translated from English)
29. Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services are more effective if women are empowered to take an active role in planning, managing and implementing programmes, benefiting not only themselves but also the wider community, says a new report published by the Geneva-based Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) and the Water, Engineering and Development Centre (UK). Entitled “For Her – It’s the Big Issue: putting women at the centre of water supply, sanitation and hygiene”. See the press release or contact Ms. Eirah Gorre-Dale for further information.
30. The MEDD (French Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development) launched a publication on the rupture of the dams! This publication presents the state of the art on the prevention of the risk of dams rupture. It also proceeds to historical and lawful backgrounds. Without being exhaustive, this document offers an overall picture of the risk of dams rupture. Check this report for full information. (Only in French)
31. The MEDD (French Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development) launched a publication on the risk of floods. This publication presents, the state of the art on the prevention of the floods, It also proceeds to of historical and lawful backgrounds. It offers a good synthesis of all the aspects of floods risks. Check this report for full information. (Only in French)
32. Introduction to Urban Water Distribution is a new book that focuses primarily on understanding the steady-state hydraulics that form the basis of hydraulic design and computer modelling applied in water distribution. Furthermore, the book contains a detailed discussion of water demand, which is a fundamental element of any network analysis, and principles of network construction, operation and maintenance. The book (including a CD) can be ordered at the Taylor & Francis website.
33. A new issue of the Sustainable Development Bulletin has been published by the Moroccan Ministry of Territory Development, Water and Environment. Check it (only in French).
34. A new issue of the Water Academy bulletin has been published. Check it (Only in French).
35. The manual on the use of EU structural and cohesion funds to support water policy is now available at EC website, and can be downloaded from EMWIS website. It aims to promote the use of EU funds for water.
36. "Water for Life: Making it happen" by the WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme is a recently published report. This report makes clear that achieving the target of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation will bring a payback worth many times the investment involved. The report concludes with statistical tables showing the increase needed to achieve the MDG drinking water and sanitation target and drinking water and sanitation coverage estimates at regional and global level. Download the main report and the annexes from the website of the Joint Monitoring Programme for water Supply & Sanitation.
37. Over the last decade, the European Union has invested significant resources in international scientific cooperation to research the sustainable management of water resources. A selection of 67 such projects has been reviewed by a panel of ten international experts. The aim of the review "Directing the flow: a new approach to integrated water resources management" was to learn about strengths and weaknesses of past research and guide future efforts. This brochure is one element of this learning process. The small selection of examples presented gives a sense of the ways in which research results can be used more effectively in support of the Millennium Development Goals, and can increase the contribution of international research cooperation to the EU Water Initiative. This brochure is available in English and French.
38. The European Environment Agency (EEA) has launched a call for proposals (2006/EEA/ADS/06/001) for: European Topic Centre on Water ‘2007-2010’, European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change ‘2007-2010’, and European Topic Centre on Land Use and spatial information ‘2007-2010’. Deadline for submitting proposals: 11 May 2006, 16:00, and final decision on selected proposals in November 2006. See the full text of this call at the Official Journal of the European Union.
39. The European award "Our Waters" under the patronage of EU-Environment Commissioner Stravos Dimas was launched. This interesting award seeks for creative and feasible ideas with benefit for our waters. With regard to an EEC directive (water framework directive) the entire Europe is asked to achieve or to keep the good status of all waters. This award aims to learn from the creativity of others. Every water user can participate. The best ideas will be given an award at the European Parliament in summer/autumn 2007. Further information is available at the website of "our waters".
40. IDRC (International Development Research Centre) has announced its first grant competition on the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in local-level water management in francophone African countries. This initiative will support three research projects aimed at assisting communities to apply GIS in community-based water management. Projects should use a participatory approach in building local capacity to use GIS to improve water resource management at the local level. Research themes are: Local-level water management, GIS, and participatory decision-making. Value of Grants: Three grants of CA $100.000. Project duration: Two years. Eligibility: Applicants must be researchers at universities or research institutes in francophone West or North Africa. Partnership with a local NGO or community organization is highly recommended. Deadline for submissions: Letter of intent: 8 May 2006. Detailed Submission: 31 July 2006. Note: Research and written documents must be submitted in French. See the website of the University of Quebec for full information.
41. The 2nd Call for Proposals of the ACP-EU Water Facility (Africa, Caribbean, Pacific) was launched by the EC on the 31st march 2006, for an amount of €178 M. There will be only one phase of evaluation for the 2nd Call. For additional information, consult Water Facility website. Documents related to the call for tender are available on line. 30 June 2006: Deadline for submission of proposals at 16.00 (Brussels Time), 30 November 2006: Evaluation period, December 2006: Award.
42. EC FP6 call for proposals for indirect RTD actions under the Thematic sub-priority areas: 'Sustainable Energy Systems', ‘Sustainable Surface Transport’ and ‘Global Change and Ecosystems’: The participation of Mediterranean countries is highly encouraged. The deadline for application is 16 May 2006. The total indicative budget for the call is 8 M€. Restrictions to participation: Only targeted third countries partners are eligible together with the coordinator of a project for which contract has already been signed or is under negotiation. See the Indicative list of projects open for call FP6-2006-TTC-TU-Priority-6-3. FP6-2006-TTC-TU-Priority-6-3.
43. The Moroccan Ministry of Territory Development, Water and Environment, announced a national call for proposals for King Hassan II Environment Prize 2006. This Prize aims at encouraging all initiatives contributing: to the sustainable development, to the protection of the environment and the natural inheritance, and to the improvement of life framework of the citizens. Deadline: 15 Mai 2006. This Prize, of a total value of 300.000 DH, will be decreed to the best creativity and research projects presented by persons or entities in the following fields equipped each one with 75.000 DH: - scientific and technical research, - associative action - communication and information - artistic and literary creation. See the announcement for full information. (in French & Arabic)
44. With reference to the activities of the ICAM-GI Thematic Network (Geographical Information for Integrated Coastal Area Management), and the related project ECO-IMAGINE for the organisation of a series of EuroEvents supported by the 6th Framework Programme of the EC - Marie Curie Conferences and Training Courses, the project work programme foresees the distribution of 20 grants to early-stage researchers and 10 grants for experienced researchers in order to support their participation in the Thematic Conference "Building Coastal Knowledge and GI" to be organised within the project. The deadline for application to participation in ECO-IMAGINE Thematic conference to be held in the University College Cork in Cork (Ireland) on the 13th - 17th June 2006 was extended to April 28th, 2006. See EMWIS news section for full information.
45. A new call for proposals for Marie Curie Conferences and Training Courses has been published. Deadline: 17 May 2006. See CORDIS website for further information.
46. COST Open Call for Proposals to Support European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research: COST brings together research teams in different countries working on specific topics. It finances networking of
nationally funded activities in supporting meetings, conferences, short term scientific exchanges and outreach activities.
COST therefore does NOT fund research itself. Currently more than 200 scientific networks (Actions) are supported.
Every year approximately 45 new Actions are approved and started. COST invites researchers throughout Europe to submit proposals for research networks and use this unique opportunity to exchange knowledge and to embark on new European perspectives. Currently, more than 200 Actions are being supported. Every year, approximately 50 new activities are approved. On average, each of these receives a yearly grant of €90.000 over a four-year period. A first collection date for preliminary proposals is scheduled for 31 May 2006. COST receives financial support for its coordinating activities from the EU RTD Framework Programme. The COST Office, established by the European Science Foundation (ESF), acting as the implementing agent for COST during the 6th FP on RTD, provides the scientific secretariat for COST activities. All grants to be offered in response to this call are subject to COST being awarded funds from the seventh RTD Framework Programme. See EC website for full details.
47. 2006 Call for proposals published by DG Environment for NGO Twinnings in the Mediterranean countries: The objective of this call for proposal (Theme no. 6) is to improve the capacity of the NGOs based in Mediterranean Countries (Turkey, Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestinian Territories, Syria and Tunisia) to play their full role in the implementation of environmental legislation in their country through the transfer of experience and best practices from EU25 NGOs. Projects should be implemented primarily through exchange programmes and twinning arrangements. The project proposals should involve at least 2 and maximum 3 NGOs, each from a different target country, plus one or two mentoring NGOs from the EU25 countries. The projects duration has to be maximum 12 months and the total available budget allocation is €220.000. The deadline for application is 19th May 2006. The award criteria will be: the clarity of description of the proposed project, the methodology to be employed for its realisation, the time schedule for its implementation, the feasibility and the cost effectiveness of the project, the potential of the target NGOs in term of public support for their activities and the scope of their activities. The success of the NGOs from EU25 will also be considered in the allocation of project grants. For more information concerning this call please see the website of DG Environment.
48. The EMWater Project Regional Conference on Efficient Management of Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in the Mediterranean Countries has extended the deadline for electronic submission of abstracts and registration forms to 15 May 2006. This conference will be held in Amman (Jordan) between 30 October and 1 November 2006. See EMWIS website for further information.
49. On 12th and 13th October 2006, the Cycleau partnership will hold its final international conference in Quimper (Brittany), France. This event will take place alongside the annual Finistere Water Conference and expects to attract over 300 delegates from all over Europe. The aim of the event is to showcase the results of the Cycleau INTERREG project and its methodology for effective catchment management. It also seeks to share the lessons learnt about co-ordinating transnational and cross-border partnerships in light of the future territorial co-operation programme 2007-2013. See EMWIS news section for full details.
50. The organisers of the International Workshop: "International Perspectives on Balancing Multiple Bottom Lines: Financial, Environmental, and Social Justice" which is organised under the umbrella of the 5th World Water Congress to be held in 10-14 September 2006 in Beijing (China), look for potential speakers who might be able to attend it. See the Workshop proposal and an abstract on the main issue of the workshop for further information. You can also contact Cheryl K. Davis. You can finally consult the official website.
51. The E-conference on "Water Research and the Improvement of Water Sanitation and Hygiene Services for the Poor" is organised by CERFE, a non profit research institute based in Rome (Italy), in collaboration with the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council - WSSCC, and the funding of WHO and the Italian Cooperation. The e-conference aims at involving the community of those working in promoting water, sanitation and hygiene for the urban poor, and that of those who are fostering the production of new scientific and technological knowledge on water processes and uses. Papers and documents may also be sent to the conference coordinators, before the starting of the e-conference at Email, so as to be posted on the web page. To subscribe the e-conference it is requested to send at a short CV or biographical note (name and surname, professional activity and affiliation, city and country, e-mail address) before May 5th, 2006. See EMWIS website for further information.
52. The International Network on Participatory Irrigation Management (INPIM) and the State Hydraulic Works (DSI), Turkey announced a 12-day International Capacity Building on Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM). The course will be held at the International Agro Hydrology Institute Menemen, near the picturesque city of Izmir, Turkey from June 18-29, 2006. The course is aimed at faculty of training institutes or consultants who are involved in WUA capacity-building, WUA managers, policy makers, and NGOs or Government/Irrigation Agency staff who work with WUAs. The language of the course will be English. More specific information including the registration form can be viewed at INPIM website.
53. The National Centre of Training for Water Jobs in France (CNFME) organises a training session to know about the techniques of sea water desalination for the production of drinking water, and to study the problems by case studies. This training will be held in Paris the days 23 & 24 May 2006. See the website of CNFME for more details about it. You can also see the list of training sessions offered by the CNFME in 2006 at the same website.
54. Intensive Courses in Desalination: Thermal processes and economics, management and economics, will be held in L'Aquila, Italy on July 26-27 of the next year. For further information see EMWIS news section.
55. A course titled: "International Training of Trainers on Wetland Management", focusing on the facilitation of multi-stakeholder processes and curriculum development (ICWM-TOT) is to be held in Wageningen (The Netherlands) between 8 and 26 May 2006. The ICWM-TOT has been designed for (future) trainers in wetland management. The course programme is suitable for wetland managers and land use planners, policy makers, consultants, researchers and NGO staff who have affinity with training. See EMWIS news section for further details.
56. The UNESCO-IHE organises an Online Short Course on Flood Modelling for Management, from 2006-05-17 to 2006-05-26, This course is a postgraduate study ideally suited for flood managers, water managers, flood modellers, engineers and scientists dealing with floods. This course will address questions such as: How are floods generated and how do they develop in time? What are better ways of designing flood protection schemes using models? What models can be used for forecasting floods? How should model results be used to inform decision-makers? See The website of UNESCO for further information.
57. An European in service training course ”Water & Life” is to be organised in Pafos (Cyprus) next May 20-26th, by The the new Media School. The goals of the course are to illustrate the links between life-water-ecology and society, to train the participants in the use of the biotic index for water quality assessment, to promote water as theme for environmental education and to provide scientific tools for sustainable development. See EMWIS news section for further information.
2006-04-24/27 - International Conference: Modelling & Managing Water Quality in Mediterranean River Basins, Montpellier, France.
For more information, click here.
2006-04-24/28 - International Congress: Ground Water in Mediterranean Countries, Malaga, Spain.
For more information, click here.
2006-04-26/28 - the 1st Euro--Arab Dialogue Forum: Prospects and contents of an euro-arab strategic partnership, Paris, France.
For more information, click here.
2006-04-27/28 - WFD Monitoring Networks Workshop, Brussels, Belgium.
For more information, click here.
2006-04-30 - Red Dead Sea Conduit Conference, Dead Sea, Jordan.
For more information, click here.
2006-05-08/26 - International Training of Trainers on Wetland Management, a course focusing on the facilitation of multi-stakeholder processes and curriculum development (ICWM-TOT), Wageningen, The Netherlands.
For more information, click here.
2006-05-09/12 - 5th World Wide Workshop for Young Environmental Scientists ‘Urban waters: resource or risk?’, Vitry sur Seine, France.
For more information, click here.
2006-05-10/12 - 1st International Workshop on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics - SPH, Rome, Italy.
For more information, click here.
2006-05-11/12 - European Workshop on the organisation of public consultations according to WFD, Paris, France.
For more information, click here.
2006-05-14/19 - 14th conference: Water management and soil conservation in semi-arid environments, ISCO 2006, Marrakech, Morocco.
For more information, click here.
2006-05-14/19 - Summer School Information on Mediterranean storms driven flash flood, Montpezat, France.
For more information, click here.
2006-05-15 - 9th Meeting of the EMWIS steering committee, Nice, France.
For more information, click here.
2006-05-15/16 - 3rd SWIFT-WFD Workshop: Towards operational monitoring programmes and protocols for implementation of Water Framework Directive, Barcelona, Spain.
For more information, click here.
2006-05-15/19 - Water Loss Management Strategies, Genova-Ferrara, Italy.
For more information, click here.
2006-05-15/30 - E-conference on Water Research and the Improvement of Water Sanitation and Hygiene Services for the Poor, Online.
For more information, click here.
2006-05-16/17 - The First Symposium on Dams Management & Operation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
For more information, click here.
2006-05-17/18 - The International Symposium on New water policies -The Water Framework Directive, Barcelona, Spain.
For more information, click here.
2006-05-17/19 - GLOBAL CITY, International Forum of Cities Actors, Lyon, France.
For more information, click here.
2006-05-17/26 - UN Online Short Course on Flood Modelling for Management ESCO-IHE, Online.
For more information, click here.
2006-05-18/19 - 2nd International symposium of "La Meuse", Sedan, Belgique.
For more information, click here.
2006-05-20/26 - European in service training course ”Water & Life”, Pafos, Cyprus.
For more information, click here.
2006-05-21/25 - EUROMED 2006 - Conference on Desalination Strategies In South Mediterranean Countries, Montpellier, France.
For more information, click here.
2006-05-23/25 - Integrated Water Resources Management and Challenges of Sustainable Development, Marrakech, Morocco.
For more information, click here.
2006-05-23/26 - BALWOIS 2006 - Water Observation, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
For more information, click here.
2006-05-29/06-02 - Integrated Transboundary Water Resource Management Training, Stockholm, Sweden.
For more information, click here.
2006-05-30 - First meetings on Intelligent use of water, Aix en Provence, France.
For more information, click here.
WATER in the EURO-MED PARTNERSHIP: milestones, main players, MEDA programme
LEGISLATION: national, European and international
This is a monthly Flash provided by the EMWIS Technical Unit, to which you can get a free subscription, click here for an open subscription.
The EMWIS Flash gives you regular and quality information on the water sector in the Euro-Mediterranean area. The main headlines are: Institutions, Documentation, Training, Research and Development, Data Administration. You will also find updates on: international events, relevant web sites, the Euro-Med Water programme of the European Commission, and much more ....
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