Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
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Event New opportunity of training on Integrated Transboundary Water Resources Management (ITWRM) for the MENA Region, first phase

This training, conducted together by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and Ramboll Natura, aims to provide a meeting place for professionals involved in water issues in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region, with the aim of building both personal and institutional links. The programme is targeted to decision makers, planners, specialists or managers from organisations involved in transboundary water resources management. The course covers a wide range of management and institutional aspects of ITWRM. Among others it deals with regional and global experience from transboundary water resources and data management and it embraces also the legal frameworks aspects and the new techniques for enhancing the broad benefits of shared waters. The travel arrangements to Jordan are up to the training participants, SIDA will cover the participation fee consisting in all training cost as well as accommodation costs and the travel costs to Sweden for the second part of the training process foreseen on February 19 – 23, 2007. The training language will be English. The last application date is July 21, 2006.


To get more information about the course please download the training brochure trough


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Contact information n/a
Event type Training
File link
Geographical coverage Jordan
Address Amman
Organizer the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and Ramboll Natura
Target audience International
Duration 2 weeks
Period [05/11/2006 - 16/11/2006]
Status Confirmed
Working language(s) ENGLISH