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News Global climate agreement: Tanger takes over at MedCOP Climate

On 18- 19 July Tanger has taken over the debate on the implementation of the Paris climate agreement. It hosted the MedCOP Climate conference, the forum of state and non-state stakeholders in the Mediterranean was attended by some 7000 participants from 22 countries and organized in preparation of the COP22 in Marrakesh.The MedCOP lead to the adoption of the Tanger Declaration, a set of climate resolutions advocating for a collective mobilisation of Mediterranean countries and the "need to build and carry a common Mediterranean vision" to Marrakesh for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) next November. The Declaration establishes priority lines of action in several areas such as water, energy, food security and protection of the marine and coastal environment, including biodiversity, fisheries and tourism. Ségolène Royal (French Minister of Environment) underlined the urgency for action in the Mediterranean in particular in the field of water with a strong focus on water information systems

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Geographical coverage Morocco,
News date 25/07/2016
Working language(s) FRENCH