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HTML Document EMWIS Flash135 - September- October 2017

Released 10/11/2017

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EMWIS Flash -  September- October 2017
Euro-Mediterranean Information System on the know-how in the Water Sector

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Flash produced by the EMWIS Technical Unit- OIEAU, DG Agua,
Mediterranean Water Knowledge Platform 
Geo-Catalogue / UfM-Water 
Mediterranean sustainable cities


In this issue N°135 (


1- Mediterranean Water Knowledge Platform  "Exchange of Experience Workshop on Water Information System (WIS)" Barcelona, 19 - 20 October 2017

In Brief

2- Water and Climate: Meeting of the Great Rivers of the World

3- 2nd Steering Committee of the ENI SEIS II South SM Project / 8th meeting of the H2020 Review and Monitoring (RM) Group

4- COP23: A Day for Water, Friday 10 November 2017

5- 3rd Mediterranean Water Forum, 23-24 January 2018 in Cairo, Egypt

6-  Hydrodiplomacy and Climate Change for Peace in the Middle East: Case  of the Nile Basin, December 2017

7- European Commission to invest 30 billion euros in new solutions for societal challenges and breakthrough innovation

8-  Porto Declaration on Urban Water Agenda 2030

9-  4th Meeting of the Expert Group on Equitable Access to Water and Sanitation

10-  2nd International Conference on Water and Climate, Marseille, France

11- SWOS: Side Event at UNFCCC COP23

12- VISCA holds its 1st joint General Meeting and Stakeholders Workshop, November 13-15th 2017, Portugal

13- 4PRIMA: Launch of the PRIMA Network 21st November 2017, Esplora Interactive Science Center, Kalkara

14- DemEAUmed projec at the Spanish week of science 2017 Madrid

15-  Life-ANADRY at VII jornada de lodos UB, 22 November, Barcelona

16- Algeria:  The diversification of water resources is crucial for a secure supply

17- Tunisia: Samir Ettaïeb "Agriculture is improving, but Tunisia suffers from water scarcity"

18- Romania: SUEZ wins 45m euros contract for the construction of a treatment and sludge-to-energy plant in Glina

19- EU finances for better access to drinking water in Romania

20- In face of drought, Portugal officials set a priority to provide drinking water

21- Belgium: three rainwater tanks will be constructed at the MPET, Europa and Noordzee terminals

22- Jordan launches a project to grow crops from seawater

23- Jordan water crisis worsens as Mideast tensions slow action

24- Egypt: FAO dig 99 wells to face water shortage in Matrouh

25- Germany: Berlin offers a model for how cities can cope with increasingly regular extreme floods

26- France: Simplification of the public water service:  a Senate bill adopted

27- France: Each French department will have an Orsec drinking water plan by the end of 2020

28- France: Nicolas HULOT and Stéphane TRAVERT open a cell of expertise on water resources management  to anticipate the consequences of climate change









1- In October, SEMIDE Technical Unit and IOWater (International Office for Water)  with the support of the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM)  organized a workshop for exchanging experiences on good practices and financing modalities of National Water Information Systems and their exploitation for planning water resources management in the context of climate change. It was realized  that Mediterranean water knowledge platform would support the preparation of indicators responding to national strategies,  to the Sustainable Development Goals and to the water component of the Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) in the Mediterranean and finally, it would provide evidence for the development and implementation of the Union for the Mediterranean Water Agenda. Further information on EMWIS website

IN BRIEF (Full news)


2- The participants of the Meeting of the Great Rivers of the world at the International Rome Summit on "Water and Climate" held on 23-25 October in Rome addressed in a declaration  to the Governments, international organizations, financial institutions and all the involved stakeholders, who are taking part in the COP 23, the following message: "Freshwater should be officially recognized as a priority of the outcomes of the forthcoming Bonn COP 23, especially by emphasizing the importance of adaptation measures alongside the necessary mitigation ones. The attention of the Parties to the UNFCCC is drawn to the significance of freshwater, which should be included into the first priorities of the adaptation components of their National Contributions (NGCs). It is necessary to support the achievement of the objectives of the "Paris Pact" and the actions of the Alliances mentioned above, in a sustainable use and management of water resources to face the climate change challenges." The participants recommended to take priority actions in several issues in particular in the strengthening of the production, gathering, conservation and exchange of data within integrated Water Information Systems (WIS). Further information on EMWIS website

3- The joint meeting of the 2nd ENI SEIS II south steering committee and the H2020 review and monitoring group was held in Barcelona on 16-18 October 2017. The purpose of the second combined meeting of the ENI SEIS II South Support Mechanism and Horizon 2020 review and monitoring group was to facilitate dialogue and communication with the project partners to enable smooth running of the activities and to secure the country perspective in the further implementation, in particular in view of the preparation of the 2nd Horizon 2020 indicator-based assessment. This meeting aimed to take stock of the activities undertaken in 2017 - review of progress achieved within the implementation of the program of work of the H2020 review and monitoring group and review progress and practices at regional and national levels in the implementation of SEIS, and plan the way ahead for 2018. Participants countries have presented and shared their progress, practices and challenges. Further information on EMWIS website


4- The 23rd Session of the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP23) takes place in Bonn, Germany  until  17 November , 2017. The International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) was designated by the UNFCCC Secretariat, as co-organizer of the official “Water Action Day”, in partnership with the WWC, IUCN, the French Water Partnership and SIWI/AGWA. This official “Water Action Day” will be organized on Friday 10th of November 2017, on the Global Climate Action (GCA) Campus of the Bonn Zone. Participants will discuss about :  “Improving water and climate financing" /“Water knowledge to respond to climate uncertainty” / “Water for urban resilience” /“Water for sustainable agriculture and food security”. Further information on EMWIS website


5- Within the framework of the Mediterranean preparatory process for the 8th World Water Forum, a large mobilization of the Mediterranean water stakeholders will be organized through a regional event. Initiated in 2011 in Marrakech, the Mediterranean Water Forum, an efficient platform for dialogue and exchange between all stakeholders in the region, aims to strengthen the cooperation, knowledge and experience exchange in the water field. The next event, 3rd Mediterranean Water Forum,  will be held in Cairo from 23 to 24 January 2018. It will gather the Mediterranean Water Community to discuss and debate on priority topics linked with the Thematic Framework of the 8th World Water Forum: Climate: Water and climate change mitigation/ People: Integrated sanitation for all/Development: Water for Energy/Urban: Treatment and reuse technologies/Ecosystems: Managing and restoring for water services and biodiversity/Finance : Finance for sustainable development. Further information on EMWIS website


6-  The  third symposium  of Hydrodiplomacy and Climate Change for Peace in the Middle East  organized  by MENBO, will be held on 11 December 2017 in Luxembourg Palace- French Senate.  This symposium will analyze the geopolitical situation of the Nile basin, the
impact of climate change on the supply and demand of water resources, with the aim of proposing a new configuration in the context of an active hydrodiplomacy approach, leading to a "win-win" collaboration among the riparian countries in question, and therefore allowing for the development of Nile sustainable geopolitics. Further information on EMWIS website


7- The European Commission announced on 27 October that it will spend 30 billion euros of the EU research and innovation funding programme Horizon 2020 during 2018-2020, including 2.7 billion euros to kick-start a European Innovation Council. The 2018-2020 Work Programme will focus efforts on fewer topics with bigger budgets which directly support the Commission's political priorities:
A low-carbon, climate resilient future: 3.3 billion euros/ Circular Economy: 1 billion euros/ Digitising and transforming European industry and services: 1.7 billion euros/ Security Union: 1 billion euros/ Migration: 200 million euros/ 2.2 billion euros will be earmarked for clean energy projects. Further information on EMWIS website


8- Co-organised by the European Commission and the government of Portugal, the Mayors & Water Conference 2017 aims to launch an Urban Water Agenda 2030 (UWA 2030). The Agenda would facilitate the collaboration of cities in water issues for better integrated and more sustainable water management. Representatives from European cities attended the conference to sign the Porto Urban Water Declaration committing to the Urban Water Agenda 2030. Further information on EMWIS website


9- The 4th Meeting of the Expert Group on Equitable Access to Water and Sanitation was organized by UNECE in cooperation with the Hungarian National Public Health Institute and the French Ministry of Solidarities and Health in Budapest on 13- 14 September. During the  meeting, countries which are currently involved in or have already finalized assessments of the situation of access to water and sanitation have  illustrated options for assessing, improving and financing equitable access to water and sanitation in the pan-European region. The meeting was attended by 30 participants including country representatives from the pan-European region whose work is related to equitable access to water and sanitation as well as representatives from development partners, international organizations, civil society organization and stakeholders engaged in the provision of water and sanitation services. Further information on EMWIS website

10- Following the success of the first International Conference on Water and Climate "Water Security for Climate Justice" held in Rabat in July 2016, the World Water Council with the support of the CoP22 Chair as represented by the State Secretariat for Water of the Kingdom of Morocco, and with the collaboration of other international partners,  organized the second edition of the event on 3-4 October in Marseille, France.  The conference serves as an interim event between CoPs to keep up the momentum for water within climate discussions at CoP23 and beyond. As for the past edition, the principle objective of the meeting was to mobilize and encourage a range of political and institutional stakeholders to work together so that water remains an important element of climate discussions within the UNFCCC’s 23rd Conference of the Parties in November 2017, strengthening the dialogue between the water and climate communities towards the implementation of the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Agenda 2030.   The program  offered  special focuses on water for food, urban resilience, and water for Africa within the context of climate change. Further information on EMWIS website

11- A COP23 side event organized on 11 November 2017 will invite the Satellite based Wetland Observation service (SWOS) with its free tools and portals for wetland/peatland monitoring and services for reporting obligations like SDG 6.6.1 and Ramsar. It will inform about wetland/peatland frameworks, Ramsar priorities for peatlands and how the Project “Peatland Restore” will provide valuable estimations to national decision makers on how much GHG can be mitigated under different scenarios. Further information on SOWS website


12- VISCA ‘Vineyards´ Integrated Smart Climate Application’ is to hold its 1st General meeting followed by the 1st Stakeholders Workshop on 13-15 November 2017 in Portugal. During the first day,  VISCA partners will present the current status of the project and the achieved milestones during its first 6 months. On the following couple of days, VISCA 1st Stakeholder Workshop will gather members from the project advisory board  of the project and other invited end-users in Quinta do Bomfim, Pinhao, Portugal. A brainstorming session and a series of questions on how climate change is affecting the different sectors of agriculture including vineyards will be organised. Participants will also have a training session on the primary mock-ups of the VISCA tool and a virtual guide through its main functionalities. Feedback from the participants will be collected to make improvements in the tool. Further information on VISCA website


13- On 21 November, the Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) is organising a networking and information event for researchers that are interested in applying for calls within the PRIMA Initiative in Kalkara, Malta. The overall objective of the PRIMA programme is to build research and innovation capacities and to develop knowledge and common innovative solutions for water management and provision and agri-food systems in the Mediterranean region, to make them more climate resilient, efficient, cost effective and sustainable and to contribute to an upstream solution of water scarcity, food security, nutrition, health and well-being. The first call for the submission of research and innovation action projects is expected to open in early 2018. Further information on 4Prima website


14-The Department of Scientific and Academic Cooperation of the French Embassy in Madrid has shown interest on demEAUmed project which is an excellent example of the collaboration between France and Spain (among other countries). Water management in coastal tourist areas is a topic with strong qualitative and quantitative challenges. The concept of developing it in circular economy aspect offers many advantages which makes it important to communicate about. This year, the week of science in Spain focuses on ecotourism. In this occasion, demEAUmed project will be presented on November 28th 2017 at the Institut français de Madrid by ICRA and SEMIDE. Further information on demEAUmed website


15- Life-ANADRY project will be presented by DAM at the Seventh Edition of the Seminar on Management and Treatment of sludge from EDAR (LODOS 2017) organized by the Environmental Biotechnology Group of the UB, scheduled for November 22 of this year. The program is structured in four sessions that address various current issues in the sector: recovery of waste resources/possibilities of improving the anaerobic digestion process/novel treatments and ways of valuing the sludge/application of sludge in agriculture and complementary technologies. Further information on Life-ANADRY website


16- On 13 September in Annaba, the Minister of Water Resources of Algeria, Hocine Necib, stated  that "the diversification of water resources is essential for a secure supply." During his visit to the Les Salines pumping station,  the minister insisted on the rehabilitation and the exploitation of  surface water confirming that these actions constitute "a security in drinking water supply".The configuration of water supply networks is not secure enough and it needs to be taken seriously," said Mr.Necib. Further information on EMWIS website


17- The Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries of Tunisia, Samir Ettaïeb, pointed out that the Gordian knot of any expansion of the agricultural sector is water scarcity. Tunisia suffers from a flagrant deficit of water, hence the in-depth work undertaken to overcome these deficiencies is building reliable and high-capacity dams. Mr. Ettaïeb also emphasized the role of the citizen, who must show a sense of civility and responsibility when it comes to water, not forgetting the use of drilling reservoirs to store rainwater (el majel). In addition, the minister urged public companies to pay their water bills to enable SONEDE to provide better benefits to citizens. He explained also that the other solution, advocated by his department, remains the desalination of seawater with the creation of  new stations. Further information on EMWIS website


18- The city of Bucharest has selected a consortium composed of SUEZ, FCC and Aqualia to modernise the wastewater treatment plant and to build a treatment and sludge-to-energy plant in Glina, located south-east of the capital. The contract is worth 111 M euros for the consortium including  45 M euros for SUEZ. Further information on EMWIS website


19- Six projects aiming to facilitate the population’s access to drinking water in Romania will get total funds of 129 million euros from EU’s Cohesion Fund. The first project, worth 15.7 million euros, will be used to improve the wastewater treatment system in Bacau County, in east of Romania. Another 8.6 million euros will go to a project that aims to improve the access to clean water for more than 155,000 inhabitants in the Bistrita-Nasaud county, in northern Romania. A third project of 17.4 million euros will be used to connect 380,000 people to a modern water distribution and sewerage network in the Brasov county. Over 110,000 people in the Valea Jiului mining area, Hunedoara county, will also be connected to a modern water distribution and sewerage network, with 60.7 million euros funds. Some 8.2 million euros will go for the environment protection and better water quality project in the Tulcea county, near the Danube Delta, and 18.5 million euros will be used to extend the drinking water infrastructure in the Valcea county. Further information on EMWIS website


20- Portugal is facing the country's worst drought in more than 20 years. The dire situation might lead to a ban on the irrigation of farmland, which uses up 80 percent of the region's available water.   Portugal's Pego do Altar reservoir looks like disused quarry now, its bare, exposed slopes rising up steeply on each side and shimmering in the sun as it holds barely 11 percent of the water it was designed for. The huge lake where people used to swim, boat and fish has shrunk to a slither of water, surrounded by baked, cracked earth and a handful of white fish carcasses. It is a desolate and disturbing sight – and one that has become increasingly common in southern Portugal. Further information on EMWIS website

21- PSA Antwerp (PSAA), MSC PSA European Terminal (MPET) and Antwerp Terminal Services (ATS) will invest 300,000 euros in the construction of three large tanks with a combined capacity of 240,000 litres to collect and store rainwater at the MPET, Europa and Noordzee terminals. Further information on EMWIS website


22-  On 7 September 2017, Water-poor Jordan  launched a project using seawater to produce crops with clean energy. Jordan's King, Abdullah II and Crown Prince Haakon of Norway, who contributed to most of the 3.7 million Dollars cost, inaugurated the facility in the kingdom's Red Sea port city of Aqaba. Haakon told reporters that he was impressed by the way innovative ideas have been translated into a plant the size of four football fields. The facility, part of the Sahara Forest Project (SFP), produces "energy, freshwater and food and all this in an arid desert," he said. Further information on EMWIS website


23- From a hillside in northern Jordan, the Yarmouk River is barely visible in the steep valley below, reduced from a once important water source to a sluggish trickle overgrown with vegetation. Jordan’s reservoirs are only one-fifth full, a record low, and vital winter rains are becoming more erratic. Jordanians don’t need scientists to tell them that they live in one of the world’s driest countries in the center of the planet’s most water-poor region. But addressing the problem would require cross-border cooperation, a commodity as scarce as water in the Jordan River basin shared with Israel, Palestine, Syria and Lebanon. Further information on EMWIS website


24- Hussein Gadain, representative of the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Egypt, announced in a press conference  that a total of 99 wells are being dug in the Marsa Matrouh governorate to gain benefit from rainwater amid the water scarcity that Egypt is facing.  The project is being implemented by the Desert Research Center, which is affiliated with the Ministry of Agriculture, in cooperation with FAO. Nine wells will be dug in each of the 11 municipal areas in the governorate. Further information on EMWIS website


25- One neighbourhood in Berlin is trying to ensure that cities can become better-adapted to the increasing likelihood of extraordinary wet weather events. The theory rests on the logical foundation that cities are inherently unnatural. By smothering the earth in concrete and tarmac and loading it up with vast structures of brick, steel, and glass, cities interfere with the way nature regulates itself. The concentration of buildings, people, and activity increases temperatures – while tarmac and concrete surfaces naturally absorb, retain, and emit heat, only pushing the mercury higher. On the aquatic side of the equation, unnatural, man-built road and pavement surfaces stop any falling water absorbing into the ground and then naturally providing moisture for soil and vegetation during dryer periods, while also evaporating to provide a kind of natural air conditioning. The area of Rummelsburg in the city’s east, was built 20 years ago and serves as an exemplary model of the ‘Sponge City’ concept – ‘Stadtschwamm’ in German. Further information on EMWIS website


26- The Senate adopted the proposed law to simplify some obligations applicable to local authorities in public drinking water sector on Thursday,  26 October, 2017. Further information on EMWIS website


27- Dealing with "qualitative or quantitative disruptions" in  drinking water supply for populations is the purpose of the Orsec drinking water plan that departmental prefects are required to implement, or update, before December 31, 2020. Further information on EMWIS website


28- Nicolas Hulot, French Minister of State, Minister for the Ecological and Solidarity Transition, and Stéphane Travert, French Minister of Agriculture and Food, continue their commitment to the sustainable management of water resources in order to  reduce the pressures on water and fully involve the territories in the water management policy. They announced the launch of a cell of expertise on water management in the agricultural sector under their joint authorities serving a mission to examine ongoing projects, identify the difficulties encountered and solutions that could improve the overall system as well as to improve the quality of projects and accelerate their implementation. Further information on EMWIS website



29- Elen Lemaitre-Curri, new Plan Bleu's director: "Ingénieur en chef des ponts, des eaux et des forêts", with a background in agricultural & rural development economics and environmental policies, Elen Lemaitre-Curri was on a mission in Burkina Faso from 1998 to 2000 working on land policies for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs; she then worked for FAO Investment Center in Rome from 2000 to 2006 as an economist of the FAO joint programme, in Africa, Asia and Latin America. In 2006, she joined the Commissioner-General for Sustainable Development (CGDD) within the French Ministry in charge of the environment, first as deputy head of unit for environmental economics and financial instruments, where she is in charge from 2007 to 2009 of similar themes as land policies, urbanism and environment, then as head of unit for global public goods, on climate, biodiversity, forests and oceans economics from 2009 to 2014.  Further information on EMWIS website


30- Vacancy Policy Analyst at OECD: The Climate, Biodiversity and Water (CBW) Division in the OECD is looking for an experienced policy analyst to represent, develop analysis, and provide day-to-day management of the activities of the CCXG nd to work closely with colleagues in the IEA as well as those within the OECD Environment and other OECD Directorates, under the supervision of an A4 Senior Analyst/Team Leader. Deadline for application: 26 November 2017. Further information on EMWIS website


31-Vacancy: Project Manager : Climate analytics team are seeking an experienced Project Manager to join their Science team as stand in due to maternity leave. The successful applicant will be in charge of the project management of Climate Science related projects conducted at Climate Analytics and will support the Science Team in the coordination and management of the Science Team projects and overall scientific work as well as in project development. The position is based in Berlin, Germany. Deadline for application: 19 November 2017. Further information on EMWIS website


32- New figures reflect Europe’s water story: Brussels, 27 September 2017: EurEau updated its report reflecting the true picture of drinking and waste water in Europe. Higher connection rates, more pipes, more network, more investment, better recycling and better environmental protection are the key headlines. Further information on EMWIS website

33- Death of the Nile: The world's longest river is sick - and getting sicker,  article published by Peter Schwartzstein via BBC Africa: Booming populations have dirtied and drained it, while climate change threatens to cut its flow. And some fear that competition over its dwindling waters could trigger a regional conflict. Further information on EMWIS website


34- Water JPI 2017 Joint Call on “Water resource management in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals”. The Water JPI 2017 Joint Call on “Water resource management in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals” will cover two topics:
- Multiple pressure effects on ecosystems and ecosystem services as well as effective mitigation – adaptation tools and assessments for implementing the water related targets of the UN SDGs.
- Developing accessible solutions for clean water management to address UN SDG6 targets and associated SDGs.

1st stage – Deadline for submission of pre-proposals: 11 December 2017, 17h00 (CET). Further information on EMWIS website

35- H2020 call for project: TOPIC: Integrated system innovation in valorising urban biowaste. Focus area: Connecting economic and environmental gains - the Circular Econonmy (CE). DeadlineModel:   single-stage/ Opening date:31 October 2017/ Deadline: 13 February 2018. Further information on EMWIS website

36- H2020 call for project: TOPIC:  Socio-economic impacts of digitisation of agriculture and rural areas. Types of action: RIA Research and Innovation action
DeadlineModel: two-stage/ Opening date:  31 October 2017/Deadline: 13 February 2018/ 2nd stage Deadline: 11 September 2018. Further information on EMWIS website


37- 6th edition of the King Hassan II Great World Water Prize: The Government of Morocco and the World Water Council are launching the 6th edition of the King Hassan II Great World Water Prize, one of the world's great distinctions in the water sector.  Under the overarching framework of “Cooperation and solidarity in the fields of management and development of water resources”, this Sixth Edition of the Great Prize gives recognition to candidates making significative contributions toward the theme of “Working towards greater solidarity and inclusion in order to ensure water security and climate justice.” 
Presented every three years in conjunction with the World Water Forum, the Prize will be awarded at the 8th World Water Forum that will take place in Brasilia, Brazil, 18 to 23 March 2018. The winner will be granted an award of US$100,000.  Candidates - an individual, a group of individuals, or an organization - must be nominated by at least two individuals and/or organizations active in the water resources sector. 
All candidatures must be submitted before 31 December 2017. Further information on EMWIS website


[18/12/2017 - 21/12/2017] Training on " Water purification: processes and controls" oganized by IOWater.
Objectives: Learning the operating principle of water purification techniques and their effectiveness/Discovering the target parameters and analysis for their control.
Further information on EMWIS website

[12/12/2017 - 14/12/2017] Training on " Water management in river basins" oganized by IOWater.
Objectives: Identifying the organizational framework of river basin management/ Learning the methods and tools of river basin management.

Further information on EMWIS website

[06/11/2017 - 03/12/2017] e-Learning course on Introduction to Water Diplomacy. Learning objectives: Describe major contemporary stressors influencing freshwater availability and their impact on achieving national security goals;/ Identify water's potential for conflict and identify some of the world’s main water "hotspots";/Recognize water’s cooperation potential and the benefits to be drawn from collaborative transboundary water management between state actors;/Analyze how diplomatic methods based on dialogue may be used towards mutually-beneficial problem-to-solution processes;/Define the importance and structure of transnational water management institutions in their role to consolidate and sustain the benefits of cooperation around water.Further information on EMWIS website



EVENTS (Full Agenda

[2018/03/18 - 2018/03/23] 8th World Water Forum, Brasilia  2018

Further information on EMWIS website

[2018/03/12 - 2018/03/14] 2nd Pipe and Sewer Conference

Further information on EMWIS website

[2018/01/23 - 2018/01/24] 3rd Mediterranean Water Forum, Cairo,Egypt

Further information on EMWIS website

[2017/12/12 - 2017/12/14] Conference on Water Governance in MENA and wider Mediterranean region - Barcelona

Further information on EMWIS website


[2017/12/12 - 2017/12/12] International Climate Finance Summit Paris, France

Further information on EMWIS website

[2017/12/11 - 2017/12/11] Hydrodiplomacy and Climate Change for Peace in the Middle East: The Nile Basin case

Further information on EMWIS website


[2017/12/06 - 2017/12/08] IWRM Congress 2017: Integrated Water Resources Management and Sustainable Development Challenges "case of arid regions"

Further information on EMWIS website


[2017/12/06 - 2017/12/06] Meeting Ecotech Desalination December, Paris

Further information on EMWIS website


[2017/11/30 - 2017/11/30] WWT Water Industry Technology Innovation Conference

Further information on EMWIS website


[2017/11/29 - 2017/11/30] WssTP H2020 Brokerage Event 29-30 November 2017
Further information on EMWIS website

[2017/11/29 - 2017/12/01] 4th Coastal and Maritime Mediterranean Conference, in Split, Croatia
Further information on EMWIS website


[2017/11/21 - 2017/11/21] The Mediterranean of the future ACT I – COMMON COMMITMENT TOWARDS CLIMATE AGREEMENTS

Further information on EMWIS website


[2017/11/14 - 2017/11/14]  EBRD Business Forum 2017 for the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Region

Further information on EMWIS website


[2017/11/10- 2017/11/10]  Conference on "Water and Man: Peace & Coexistence" Morocco

Further information on EMWIS website


[2017/11/09 - 2017/11/10] Water and tourism symposium

Further information on EMWIS website


[2017/11/06 - 2017/11/17] COP23, 6-17 Nov 2017, Bonn Germany

Further information on EMWIS website


Projects database


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