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HTML Document WEST project

Economics and the Framework Directive (OIEau)

Released 13/02/2006

The WEST Project (OIEau)


The Water Framework Directive (WFD) implements an innovative approach in water management, particularly since it awards a major role to economics, e.g. economic analysis of water uses in districts; and the implementation of economic tools to define and choose relevant measures for reaching good ecological status.

The implementation of this specific approach demands that all interested and involved parties understand specialised concepts and methodologies. This is made easier by the Guidance document elaborated by the WATECO group. Yet, a proper and wide use of this document requires that all actors endorse it, although they have very heterogeneous knowledge in economics. Therefore, it is necessary to provide further explanations and comments and to make them widely and easily available to/by all.

Project goal

The WEST project concerns the elaboration of specific training materials that take into account this heterogeneous background and provide useful and relevant information to all actors. There are three different target groups:

  • decision makers, who make fundamental decisions on water management in districts and who use economics as a tool for making better informed decisions
  • water professionals, who prepare practical documents (characterisation, management plans, etc.). In so doing, they  rely on external experts (e.g. economists) and serve as intermediaries between decision-makers and experts
  • economists, who will undertake projects and studies throughout the WFD process. Despite their knowledge of (environmental) economics, the quality of their contributions widely depends on their knowledge and understanding of water policies, of WFD, and of the connections between WFD and economics.

Materials available

Specific training materials exist for each target group, inlcuding several case studies. For each group, we provide:
  • a presentation of WFD and of its origins (more or less detailed depending of the group);
  • several presentations on economic issues, which explain functions dedicated to economics and the conditions of their implementation. Whenever necessary, "Go further" slides supplement the presentation in order to provide useful definitions, examples, etc. Whenever relevant, presentations are based on case studies.
  • a trainer's manual for each individual presentation, providing supplementary information for a better understanding of the slides: more detailed explanations, examples, comments, recall of key-ideas, references of further information, etc. These manuals may also be delivered to trainees as a educational document.

For decision makers
  • 1 slide show on the origins of WFD (DM-Water)
  • 3 slide shows on economic aspects:
    • DM-EcoA on the importance given to economics in WFD
    • DM-EcoB on the main aspects of the role dedicated to economics in WFD process
    • DM-EcoC is a synthetic case study on the implementation of the economic aspects of WFD process
  • 1 synthesis slide show: DM-Synthesis
  • 4 trainer's manuals

For water professionals
  • 2 general slide shows
    • WP-WaterA on the origins of WFD
    • WP-WaterB on the connections between WFD and economics
  • 8 slide shows on economic aspects
    • WP-EcoA is a case study on the implementation of the economic aspects of WFD process
    • WP-EcoB01 on specific aspects of district characterisation
    • WP-EcoB02 is a case study on the construction of baseline scenario
    • WP-EcoB03 is a case study on the assessment of the level of recovery of costs
    • WP-EcoB04 is a case study on the designation of heavily modified water bodies (HMWB)
    • WP-EcoB05 is a case study on disproportionate costs
    • WP-EcoB06 is a case study on the construction of the programme of measures
    • WP-EcoB07 on the elaboration of the management plan
  • 1 synthesis slide show: WP-Synthesis
  • 10 trainer's manuals

For economists
  • 2 general slide shows
    • Eco-WaterA on European water policy
    • Eco-Water B presents WFD
  •  4 slide shows on economic aspects
    • Eco-EcoA on connections between WFD and water management on the one hand and economics on the other hand
    • Eco-EcoB on WATECO Guidance document and on economic principles of WFD
    • Eco-EcoC on the room awarded to economics in the implementation of WFD
    • Eco-EcoD is a detailed case study on the implementation of the "economic procedure" of the WFD process
  •   1 synthesis slide show: Eco-Synthesis
  •   6 trainer's manuals

The use of materials

All materials are free of use: for presentations, for training sessions, for individual training, etc.

They are designed in order to be used either altogether as part of training sessions or one by one, depending on everybody's needs.

Each complete set of presentations is designed for training sessions of various durations:

        * 1 day for economists and for water professionals
        * 1/2 a day for decision-makers.

OIEau website